"What about Dax? The five guards I killed?"

"You had to do what you had to do. Dax could've killed both of us last night. And you were scared on the Ark. If I was in your situation I would've killed fifty guards." Bellamy fell quiet, wrapping an arm around her and pressing her to his chest.

"I understand I can't convince you to stop blaming yourself. But I want you to know that I will never consider you a murderer. You are so much more than that to me," his whispered into her hair.

She felt his warm lips brush against her forehead. "Bellamy Blake," she said, sitting up and looking deeply into his eyes. Her words were caught in her throat, and it took all her might to force them out.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."


"I need to talk to you two," Clarke mumbled, blocking Bellamy and Loxy's path. They were heading towards the exit of camp, desperate to just spend some time alone.

"Having fun yet, Princess?" Bellamy asked, a hint of annoyance in his raspy voice.

Clarke shook her head. "I'm serious."

"You always are, Clarke," Loxy told her with a dry laugh. "So talk."

"Finn set up a meeting with the Grounders," she announced, firelight dancing through her blonde locks. "I'm leaving to go talk to them."

"You think impaling people with spears on spot is code for: let's be friends?" Bellamy spat, irritation visible on his face. "Have you lost your damn mind?"

Loxy rested her hand on his shoulder, a sign telling him to keep it cool. She turned to her best friend with gentle eyes. "It's not safe, Clarke. If anything, they're setting us up."

"I think it's a worth a shot," she murmured back defensively. "After all, we do have to live with these people."

"They'll probably gut you," Bellamy growled. "String you up as a warning." Something about the way he glowered at Clarke, it wasn't out of anger. It was out of disappointment. And his tone revealed the truth.

He felt the need to protect Clarke, which perturbed Loxy.

"That's why I'm here," she muttered, lowering her voice. "I need you to be our backup."

"Does Finn know about this?" Loxy intervened, her eyes finding their way to Spacewalker. He was sitting by the fire, looking lost and distant.

"Finn doesn't need to know," Clarke responded with a simple shake of her head.

"Do we get to bring guns?" Loxy asked while throwing a smirk at Bellamy. "I'll be able to show off my badass skills again for you."

"Yes, but, you won't be with him," Clarke whispered. "The Grounders see you as a leader. They want you on the bridge with me."

"Like hell they do," Bellamy snarled, becoming extremely protective as he spread his arm across Loxy. "You told her right?" He asked, looking over his shoulder.

Loxy nodded whilst swallowing the lump in her throat. "She knew already."

"The first time they took her was because of her power. They've seen her use it, and they want it. I'm sure this time isn't any different," Bellamy explained with furious eyes.

DON'T LET ME GO   ►   BELLAMY BLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now