She was losing her mind.

Bellamy. I need you. Shakily getting to her feet, Loxy resisted against her powers, which were trying to consume her. This only happened when her emotions were too strong to handle. The last time this happened, she ended up wasting three months worth of oxygen for the Ark.

The night air hit her like a whip lash. It was sharp and chilly, signs of winter coming. But she trembled forward, wanting to find Bellamy.

"Loxy," a voice muttered, but it didn't belong to a freckle-stained boy. She whipped around and was horrified to be looking into the eyes of Wells. "Help me," he pleaded.

"Wells? N-No. You're dead," her own voice echoed within her ears, leaving a distant ringing.

"Please help me." He spoke again, absolute fear shining in his eyes. "She's coming."

"Who's coming?" She called back, feeling as though she was drowning in water.

"Loxy," a second voice murmured. Atom was standing a few feet away from Wells, the burns still evident on his body. "I need to run from her."

"Who?" She demanded, but was only answered by her own echoes.

"Loxy," Charlotte whispered, completely drenched in water. She was shivering from the cold and from the water dripping off her clothes. "I'm scared."

More people began to appear one by one. The five guards from the Ark. Diggs. Roma. Clarke, Jasper, Monty, Finn. Octavia. But it broke her heart the most to see a horrified Bellamy standing at the front.

"She's going to kill me," he cried with tears spilling from his eyes.

And in complete sync, like a choir, they all shouted two simple words. "She's here!"

Leaves rustled and twigs cracked as another body stepped forward. She was looking into a clone of herself, but this Loxy had a sinister look in her eyes. And slowly, more appeared, encircling the group of people she either loved or killed.

Their cries for help and pleas of mercy flooded her entire vision, completely capturing her. She covered her ears and screamed but they wouldn't go away.

You will kill all of us. An unfamiliar voice hissed.

All the clones of her raised their arms together, and sent the group of people flying away. They all slammed against trees, dying instantly.

You're a murderer. The devil is inside you.

"No!" Loxy shouted with all her effort, her face becoming red as she tried to fight her way to Bellamy.

"Will you shut up already?" A hostile voice snarled, and reality hit her faster than an arrow piercing through the air. She turned around for a split second and saw Dax, only for him to hit her in the forehead with the butt of his gun.

She was awake in five minutes, and immediately jumped to her feet in one motion. Dax was going to kill Bellamy. And it would be her to blame if she didn't act on it.

Rushing through the forest, she followed the direction she saw Dax walk off too. Falling behind a tree, she watched as Dax brought his fist to Bellamy's chin, knocking him on his back.

DON'T LET ME GO   ►   BELLAMY BLAKEWhere stories live. Discover now