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Chapter 10

After the whole Niall drama, he left to go spend some time at the stadium. Oh course he would be running away from me. I'm such a jerk to him. I decided I shouldn't stay cooped up in my room all day, so I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs. I quickly looked down and realized I needed to change. Whoops! I ran upstairs and into my closet. I grabbed a pair of white jean shorts, a light green button up shirt, and some light green pumps to match my shirt. (Her clothes on the side!) I throw on some bracelets and grab my purse. I wash my face in the bathroom and brush my teeth. Finally I throw on some presentable makeup and marched out the door. The Chicago air hit me as I walked out of the hotel building. The air was sweet and smelled of amazing food. I followed my nose to a near by coffee shop. I looked up to see the name was Mama's. As I walked in the door a little bell above me rung. The place was very cute and quiet, unlike Starbucks. There were some pink booths along the walls, and some table scattered among the shop. I approached the counter and gave my order to a small 17-18 year old girl. She quickly handed the order to an older lady to make and took my money. I thanked her and sat down at one of the tables near the window. The young girl came over to me with my drink.

"Thank you." I told her.

"No problem. Sorry to bother you, but I really like your accent." She tells me.

"Thank you. I like yours too." I tell her.

"I don't have an accent." She giggles.

"To me you do. You see back in the U.K all of us talk like this, so when I hear you talk it's like an accent to me." I explain to her.

"I never really had anyone tell me they liked the way I talked before. I thought my accent was boring." She says.

"I personally like american accents." I tell her.

After a few seconds I tell her to have a seat and tell me about herself.

"You want to know about me?" She asks.

"Of course." I tell her.

"Well my name is Claire, I'm 18, this is my family's business, I have 2 older brothers, I want to become a teacher, I've played softball since I was 6, my best friends name is Riley, and I grew up here in Chicago." She tells me.

"What about you?" She asks.

"Well I'm an only child, I'm 18, I have a cousin named Justin, I've played what you americans call soccer ever since I could walk, I'm from Bradford England, and my best friends name is Zayn." I tell her.

"Are by chance Mara?" She asks.

"Yeah, I forgot to say my name though. How did you know that?" I asked her.

"I'm a directioner. I'm not one of those crazy ones though, don't worry. I saw pictures of you at the airport with Zayn on Instagram." She explains.

"Oh." Is all I say.

"You seem really nice." She tells me.

"You do too." I tell her.

"We should hang out sometime." She says.

"That would be awesome! Can I have your number?" I ask her.

"Sure." She replies.

She takes her black IPhone out of her apron pocket and hands it to me. I do the same as we exchange numbers. I say farewell to my new friend as I leave the shop. I walk down the streets just exploring Chicago. It was a beautiful city, filled with so many interesting things.


I turn around and see 5 girls looking at me wide eyed. I give them a shy wave. One of the girls asks for a picture and another hands me her twitter telling me to follow her. As I stand by a fountain more and more girls keep coming, by the hundreds. I start to panic as girls grab onto my clothes and flash their cameras in my face. Their screams are killing my ears, as I try to push past some of them. The tugging gets more aggressive as I push past more and more girls. I feel a hand grab my arm and tug me out of the crowd.

"Run." Is all my rescuer says.

I start running with him not looking up to see the hooded figures face. Girls start chasing us and catching up to us. We finally reach a car and the stranger tells me to jump in. Thinking of all of the girls coming I jump in the car. He jumps I the driver seat and drives. Soon girls start following us in cars. I'm just Zayn's friend, how does this happen to me? I finally realize I'm in a car with a complete stranger. I look over to see the guy staring at the road.

"Thanks for saving me." I tell him.

"It was no problem, I'm used to it by now." The british voice says.

It sounds familiar, too familiar.

"Louis?" I ask.

He takes his hood off and smiles at me.

"Hey Mara." He says.

"LOUIS! What are you doing in Chicago!" I ask.

"Oh you know just touring the world singing my heart out with Zayn and Niall. Ever heard of One Direction Mars?" He asks.


"Wow your a carrot." He mutters.

"A carrot?" I ask.

He starts laughing hysterically.

"A carrot is a new "directioner" who knows nothing about us, but thinks they know everything about us." He explains.

"Well 1 I never said I was a directioner, and 2 I'm pretty sure I know more about you, Zayn, and Niall more then you know about yourselves." I tell him.

"Oh dang. We for a sass master in town." He laughs.

"I've missed you Lou." I tell him.

"I've missed you too Mar." He smiles at me.

After a comfortable silence, I ask,

"Where are we headed?"

"We have to keep driving to lose some of these girls, then back to the hotel." He tells me.

I nod and look out the window.

"So a singer huh?" I laugh.

"Yeah yeah, go ahead and laugh." He says.

"I won't laugh. I just never thought you'd want to be a singer. You've just always wanted to be a soccer player." I explain.

"Yeah, I do still play soccer though. I bet I could beat you Johnson." He smirks.

"Oh you are so on Tomlinson!" I smirk back.

We punch each other playfully and continue to drive.

Just like old times...


(A/N: I'm bored! Send in questions that you want to know about me and I'll do an Ask Riss1020!! You can also send in questions about my best friend @catie_cupcake for a follow! ;) SEND QUESTIONS IN NOW! Please! :) Love you all always! Also check out a pic of Mara's clothes on the sidebar and a pic of Mara on last chapters (chapter 9) side bar! Questions please! Thanks!)

-Riss1020 ;)

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