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Chapter 15

Luke and I walked back to the hotel hand in hand. His hand was cold while mine was sweating from me being so nervous. By the time we were almost to the hotel I felt like I couldn't breath. I stopped walking and turned to face Luke.
"I know," he whispered looking down.
"What?" I asked.
"It's Niall, you still love him and you want to be with him." He said.
I looked down and took Luke's hands.
"I know you care for me Luke, I know how much you care so much. Niall and I just have something that can't be broken, I tried moving on with you in my life, but I can't commit to you fully if all I think about is him. It's not fair to you to have someone like that in your life. I'm so sorry Luke, but I can't date you. You deserve someone so much better then me, you'll find her I promise. I hope she gives you her love, her time, her commitment, and anything I couldn't give to you." I told him crying.
His thumbs whipped the tears off my cheeks. He started into my eyes and kissed my lips.
"It's okay Mara, I knew you and Niall never got over each other. I hope you tell him someday and you get back together." He whispered.
"Thank you Luke," I sobbed.
He just smiled and grabbed my hand, continuing to walk back to the hotel. Once we got there we went our separate ways to our rooms.
"Friends?" He asked before stepping into his room.
I smiled and nodded, "friends."
He walked into his room and shut the door. I placed the key in my door and opened it.
"STOP IT!" Kydra yelled.
"Ky come on its just a game," Niall told her.
"Well why did you have to pick the one game that I hate!" She screeched.


"Well why did you have to pick the one game that I hate," Niall yelled.
I laughed and playfully punched him.
"You're such a baby," I told him.
He folded his arms and pretended to pout.
"Come on Niall," Zayn told him.
"Fine," he gave in.
"YAY! Truth or dare?" Louis asked him.
"Dare," he sighed.
"I dare you to tell Mara that you loved her ever since you saw her when we played that one game." He snickered.
My face turned bright red as did Niall's.
"Uhh Mara? I umm loved you ever since I first saw you when we played that one game," he stuttered.
"Is that true Niall?" I asked him.
He slowly nodded and looked down. I smiled and laughed.
"To be honest I thought you were really hot," I confessed.
He looked up and smirked.
"I still am," he winked.

(End of Flashback)

These flashbacks were killing me inside, I couldn't take them anymore. I looked up to see black spots and the boys looking at me.
"MARA!" Zayn yelled.

They all came running as everything turned black.

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