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Chapter 14

Luke Hemmings was mine, I was his. Finally. After the game we headed to a pizza place to eat. I sat next to Luke laughing and flirting the whole time. He kissed my temple a few times and smiled at me with his gorgeous smile.
"I love you," he whispered to me.
"I love you too," I told him.
Niall glanced our way and looked at us. I tried to ignore him but his eyes burned into the side of my face. What was wrong with him? He was the one who broke up with me! He kept staring and I started to get uncomfortable. I turned to him as Luke started talking to Calum.
"What?" I mouthed to him.
He turned away and looked down. Kydra gave me the death stare and I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. She was a pain in the you know what. Between all of us we ate 12 pizzas, which really was a lot.
"Niall slow down your going to choke," screeched Kydra.
I turned to see Niall shoveling pizza in his mouth.


"Niall slow down!" I yelled at him.
He was on his 10th piece of pizza in 3 minutes.
"You're going to choke!" I yelled again laughing.
He just smirked at me.
"Not if your here to save me," he winked.
I rolled my eyes and blushed.
"Don't hide your red cheeks Mar," he laughed.
"Shut up Niall," I said playfully punching him.
He laughed again and continued shoveling pizza in. I just rolled my eyes again and ate my 2 slices of pizza. I turned to watch the movie. About 10 minutes into the movie Niall grabbed my arm. I turned to him quickly smiling. My smile faded quickly as he looked blue.
"NIALL!" I screamed.
I made him stand up and I did the hime-lick. He spit the pizza out and smiled turning to me.
"I told you I wouldn't choke if you were here to save me," he said.
"Shut up," I told him again.
He kissed me and the rest of the night we didn't really end up watching much of the movie.


I watched as he continued to shove pizza in his mouth.
"Niall you're going to choke," Kyrda yelled again.
Niall stopped and looked at her.
"Not if you're here to save me," he winked.
My whole body went numb, I knew he was doing it on purpose. My whole body felt like it was going to shatter. My heart was beating so fast, I wanted to go up to him and slap him. He looked over to me and caught my eye, he looked down and back at Kydra. What a dick. I stood up knocking my plate into Luke and ran out of the restaurant. I turned down the street and sat on a park bench. I watched the kids play at the park nearby.They all had smiling faces as they played with each other. It was just how Niall and I wanted our kids to be.


We were in a tent with Zayn and Louis. Niall was in visiting from Ireland. We set up the tent in Zayn's backyard and decided to have a big campout. Zayn and Louis were asleep in their bags on the other side of the tent. Niall and I stayed cuddled in our bag.
"I want a baby someday," he whispered to me.
I turned to face him, he was smiling bigger than ever.
"What?" I asked him.
"A baby, don't you want one someday?" He asked again.
I smiled and said, "Someday just not any day soon."
"Of course not now," he smiled again.
"What made you think of us having kids?" I asked.
He smiled again and told me, "Some night I have the same dream over and over again about us having a family. We'll have a girl named Gracie, she'll have your green eyes and your light hair. We'll also have an amazing little boy named Mikey, he'll have my blue eyes and dark hair. We'll take them to the park and they laugh at each other while playing tag down the slides. You and I will sit on the bench watching them cuddling. I'll ask you what I did to deserve all of this, deserve you. You'll shrug and smile kissing my cheek. We'll be happy, and I'll never know what caused me to be so happy."


My eyes filled with tears as I thought of his beautiful dream. I thought about how it will never come true now. I jumped at the sudden crunch of leaves behind me. I turned to be faced with his blue eyes.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"You," he answered.
"What are you talking abou-"
I was cut off by his lips on mine. They felt so right to be back on mine, but it was so wrong. He had Kydra and I had Luke, LUKE! I pushed him away.
"Niall stop, just go away" I whispered.
He walked away without another word.

"MARA!" Someone yelled.
I looked up to see Luke waving his hand in front of my face.
"Why are you doing that?" I asked.
"Because you were zoning out watching those kids," he laughed.
I turned and watched the kids play.
"Was Niall really here?" I asked.
"Niall never came here Mar, he took Kydra back to the hotel." He told me.
"Oh," I said.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I nodded and got up. So Niall was never here, but the kiss felt so real. Did I want Luke or Niall?

Damn these mixed emotions...

(A/N: Sorry for the slow updates! More coming soon! :) Don't forget to vote, comment and follow for quicker updates!)

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