Sasuke approached his wife and caressed her soft silky face. He traced his fingers over cheeks wiping away any tears that threatened to fall.

"She cares for Boruto doesn't she?" Sasuke asked looking away from his wife's gaze ignoring her question.

"She does, she's kind hearted like you..." Sakura softly tapped his heart with a small heartwarming smile.

"Hn" Sasuke replied in defeat while Sarada made herself known.

"I'm ready!" she announced rushing over her papa's side glancing over at both of her parents awkwardly.

Sasuke smiled and softly tap his wife's forehead and began to step away from his flustered wife.

"We won't take long," Sasuke said reaching over his set of keys with Sarada in tow.

"Be safe!"

"We will Mama!" and with that they stepped out the house with the sound of the door softly closing leaving the pinkette alone.

How I miss you Naruto


"I am the third one you never found"

"I will fucking kill you"

The blond man stood upright from his bed with uncontrollable breaths. He could feel the cold sweat on his back as his now damp shirt clamped onto him like a second skin. He ran his fingers frantically through his long blond locks, pulling on it in sheer rage. He hasn't forgotten.

He was out there, living his life.

"Fuck!" Naruto shouted throwing a nearby object towards his wooden steel framed door causing a huge noise within his stone walls.

I can't stay here any longer, thought the blond man. He watched his bandaged hand intensely and wondered, Where are you Kurama?

Oscar wasn't giving him any answers. He requested information about the Otsutsuki, he just received misleading lies. Naruto wanted to do this right. He wanted to payback the debt he owed this man. A debt so great. However, the debt was beginning to dwindle with each passing month. He could see the real facade he put up. He was the "almighty Oscar" the tyrant in his household.

It is just a lie.

He remembered the look in his eyes when he threatened the man. The utter fear, it was...phenomenal. To feel the power, knowing that their life could be taken away from just a passing wind. He feared Naruto, he needed Naruto. But no more, he would leave this place and burn this clan down. He would have his revenge.

I'm not Akki, I'm Akuma


Hinata laid in her bed staring into the ceiling reliving beautiful memories in her head. She will never forget the moment they both were trapped inside that cave. The pale lavender eyed girl subconsciously wrapped her arms over each other feeling his imaginary embrace. How he cradled her as she slept. His scent that drove her crazy, yet soothed her. She could never forget those moments. Tears began to slowly form in the creases of her eyes as she delved deeper into those memories. His reserved smiled, she felt so safe in his arms. She felt so cold without him. Hinata would do anything to feel his presence again.

Now someone out there took away his body, Hinata sobbed into her arms feeling the rage seep through her heart. What monster would do such a thing?!

She wanted to go search for this person so bad, but Hinata couldn't leave her son alone.

Suddenly the sounds of faint knocking broke her from her thoughts, who could it be at such hour?

The Unsung Hero《Sequel》Where stories live. Discover now