Chapter 53: He's Into You

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POV: Savannah

When I walked back into the classroom, everyone was staring. I guess they thought we did something in the hallway... I mean we didn't, but I didn't blame them for thinking it.

Ryan followed beside me and put his hand on my back as we parted ways. He was a good guy, but he definitely wasn't the best teacher... He had a hard time keeping his personal life separate from his job, and when he tried, it just came out rude.

I opened my textbook and went to work on the assignment. I knew that if I didn't attempt to do it now, I definitely wouldn't be able to complete it for homework tonight, and I really didn't feel like getting a zero...

"THANK YOU Savannah... Thank you REECE... Thank yo— actually, forget you David, you always do your work," Ryan joked, "as for everyone else your participation grade isn't looking too good today..."

The class kept chattering and Ryan was actually starting to get angry.

"BUT APPARENTLY I DO," he announced, scowling over at a group of girls who were whispering and gawking at him, "do you girls need something? Other than to do your work..."

Hannah smiled, "no need to get rude Mr. O'Donoghue... We're fine"

"Are you? Because I'm pretty sure you haven't stopped staring at me since I got back in the class... Get your work done—"

"I love it when you tell me what to do—"

"Yeah, I know you do. It usually ends with you doing it too... Now get your work done Hannah"

Ryan looked back down at his computer and began typing, figuring the conversation was over.

"Why are you in such a bad mood today?"

"Because only a handful of you ever do your work and then you come to me at the end of the year asking to make shit up—"

"Don't get your underwear in a bunch... Is that really why you're in a bad mood, or did Savannah just not want you in the hallway?"

"You know what?" Ryan slammed his pen down and stood at his desk, "Why dont I just write you up and let you take this to the front office. I don't have time for your games, maybe you can stop and play with yourself on the way there... By the way, you don't have to worry about my underwear, they're on the floor next to your mom's bed"

Jaws dropped and we all sat in silence for the rest of the class period. Ryan made Hannah go to the front office, and griped to himself as he went back to working at his desk.

"Unbelievable..." he murmured, chewing on his pen, "if you wanna pick on me, do it. Don't bring anyone else into it... Some people..."

When the bell finally rang, I still wasn't in any better of a mood. I had just finished stuffing the last binder in my backpack when Reece leaned over and gave me a hug.

"I'm glad you're coming to my wedding... I know we haven't talked in a while, so I'm thankful—"

"Reece of course I'm coming to your wedding... no matter how many times you piss me off, no matter how many relationships you ruin, you'll always be my best friend," I smiled, "even best friends need a break every once in a while"

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