Chapter 64: Good Woman

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POV: Ryan

The door swung open and I witnessed a blur of Melany, dismounting Colin. At that point it was either laugh or throw up, so I doubled over laughing.

Everything went according to plan in the end...

The looks on their faces were to die for. I walked in the room and picked up Colin's belt from the floor, handing it over to him with a smirk on my face.

"That was PRICELESS," I clapped, "ya'll should've seen the looks on your faces!"

Colin rolled his eyes and looked at Savannah as he finished buttoning his pants.

"He set us up—"

"Oh yeah," I claimed sarcastically, "I totally made them have sex... That was one hundred percent my fault—"

"I'm so SICK of you Ryan—"


I looked over to Melany and couldn't keep a straight face.

"Too bad I don't care enough about this hoe to do anything about it—"

"That is NO way to talk to a good woman Ryan... No wonder you're single and bitter—"

"GOOD WOMAN?!" I bursted out laughing, "You think Melany is a good woman?"

"She is—"


I couldn't believe how gullible he was. He really couldn't see that she was playing him...



Melany tried to talk over me but I was determined to get this off of my chest. I looked around the room, spotted the bottle of champaign on the TV stand, and chuckled.

"What'd she do? Tell you she loved you? Tell you she would be with you if she wasn't with me? Well that's exactly how we ended up with two kids together—"

"What are you talking about?" Colin asked, as he finished putting on his clothes.

"He doesn't know, come on lets—"

Melany was trying to push Colin out, but he wasn't leaving.

"No, I want to know," he said, jerking free of her grasp.

I smirked and looked up at the ceiling.

"Wow! the first time anyone has ever told you no, I'm shocked!"

She shot me a bird and a smile crept onto my face.

"Think about it Colin... I used to do drugs. Druggies gotta get their drugs some how! My dealer just happened to be a hot, 5'4" babe, with an alcohol problem! She was also weekend nursing assistant by day, and a stripper by night..."

Melany sat on the bed and waited for the conversation to be over. I looked directly into Colin's eyes and I could almost see the betrayal he was feeling inside.

"Anyway, I didn't find out she was a stripper until later, she told me that little fact when she told me she was pregnant with Ella," I said, faking a smile and flashing it in her direction, "She told me she was going to quit— quit selling herself, quit drinking, quit dealing— and she did! We had an actual relationship, HELL, WE EVEN DECIDED TO HAVE ANOTHER CHILD TOGETHER! For the first time in my life, I was in love... It sickens me to say that now"

I paused and cut my eyes over to Melany. She had buried her face in her hands and given up on trying to stop me from saying anything.

"I thought she loved me too, until long story short, I found out Grace wasn't mine and Melany was lying to me. You know, the usual," I said shakily, as I tried to hide the pain in my voice, "I had stopped doing drugs, but the stress from finding out my baby wasn't my baby, caused me to start again. One night I got high... I threatened to move away and take the children with me. She was already drunk. One thing lead to another, I was yelling, she was yelling, and Ella came in the room at the wrong time—"

"THAT'S ENOUGH RYAN," Melany demanded.

"SHE HIT ELLA ACROSS THE FACE," I shouted, "That's why I couldn't get custody of my kids! She set me up! It takes less time to sober up from alcohol than it does drugs. I'm sitting at home one day while she's at work and police come knocking on our door asking me to do a drug test, and stating there were child abuse allegations out for me... you know how the rest of the story goes... So no Colin, I NEVER hit my kids... THAT was my lovely wife Melany. THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T WIN CUSTODY THE FIRST TIME IN COURT, THAT'S WHY THE KIDS LOVE ME MORE, THAT'S WHY I PLANNED ALL OF THIS, THAT'S WHY I FILED ANOTHER COURT DOCUMENT TO GET FULL CUSTODY OF MY CHILDREN, THAT'S WHY SHE'S NOT A GOOD PERSON. SHE IS LYING TO YOU THE SAME WAY SHE LIED TO ME, AND I PRAY TO GOD YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WITH HER BECAUSE I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET HURT IN THIS FUCKED UP DYSFUNCTIONAL MARRIAGE THAT WE HAVE..."

I stopped ranting and realized how loud I was shouting. I could feel the blood boiling throughout my body, and I knew my face had to be a bright shade of red. Colin looked at Melany, and then back to me. He opened is mouth as if he was going to say something, but instead he walked right past me, out of the door.

I turned around to see Savannah, Ella, and Grace staring at me. I had completely forgotten they were here...


She turned round and walked away with Ella following behind... Grace stayed and continued gawking, mouth wide open.

"Grace, you'll always be my baby girl, I love you," I said solemnly, on the verge of crying as I walked over to her and squatted down for a hug.

I could feel her crying into my shoulder. Grace wasn't a child of much emotion, or many words, so her crying was a big deal for me. I squeezed her and tears fell from my eyes as I looked into the room where Melany was still sitting on the bed, she was tearing up herself.

I didn't feel sorry for her. I knew she loved our kids, but she had a serious problem...

"By the way Melany... I'm not moving in with you. This could obviously never be anything, and the kids are coming with me... for sure this time. I got help for my problems, and now I think it's best if that's what you do too..."

I turned away and walked down the hall, carrying Grace to her room where I tucked her in, and kissed her goodnight. She was little and confused, but she loved me, and I loved her. Nothing could come between my children and I... not even heartbreaking news like that.

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