Chapter 60: Mrs. King

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POV: Savannah

We pulled up to Jen's house and it was lit up like a Christmas tree. Spotlights were shining all through the yard, and pink lanterns lined the paths.

We got out of the car, walked through the fence gate, and out to the backyard. Everyone was gathered around, talking with one another, and waiting for the ceremony to begin. I surveyed the backyard as Ryan walked inside and made note of where our seats were.

Just as I made eye contact with Colin, the piano started playing and I had to go inside. The aisle stretched from Jen's dining room to the middle of the yard. Everyone took their seats and Reece walked down the aisle, kissing his dad and my mom in the cheek. I had almost forgotten that they were dating...

Reece stood at the end of the aisle and waited with his hands crossed in front of him. The piano continued and one by one, the bridesmaids walked arm in arm with the groomsmen. Sean walked out with Tanya, Josh walked out with Ginny, and so on... Finally, it was almost my turn. I didn't realize we were walking out in pairs until I had gotten to the reception, and I wasn't too happy about it.

Colin walked up next to me and interlocked his arm with mine.

"You look good Colin..."

I was trying to relieve the tension, but it was no use.

"There's that fake smile I'm used to seeing..."

I looked up at him as we waited for the next couple in front of us to go.


"You know, I can barely even look at you anymore... and when I do, all I see is the stranger that I used to love," he stared forward and I saw the water glisten in his eyes, "your love may have been fake, but the pain you caused was real—"

"Colin what we had— that was never fake... I loved you—"

"Right 'loved'... I'm sure you did..."

He turned away from me and I could see his jaw clench.

"Please, don't make me cry here... not now. This isn't the place—"

"The hardest part of realizing you don't love me is that I now see how much time you spent pretending that you did. I didn't lose a friend, I just realized I never had one..."

"We all make mistakes Colin, don't let that be the reason you give up on me—"

"Oh sweetheart," he said softly, looking down at me with watery eyes, "I did that a long time ago..."

A tear rolled down my cheek and it was our turn to walk out. I threw on my fake smile that I apparently did so well, and strolled into the night air with Colin by my side.

We walked slow and cameras flashed, documenting our every move. The aisle felt like it doubled in length as we moved together. Part of me wanted to get this over with, but the other part of me never wanted to let go.

We got to the end of the isle, made eye contact one last time, and parted ways. I stood directly next to where Jen would be, and Colin stood next to Reece.

The tone of the piano changed and Grace came out with a basket of flowers, sprinkling them on the ground as she went along. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked in her little dress. Today was supposed to be a happy day... I wasn't going to let Colin ruin it.

Grace smiled and waved at me before going back to sit with Ryan. I looked at her, then to back to him. He smiled at me and mouthed something that I couldn't understand. Melany was sitting next to him, but was distracted by something else at the time. That's when the awaited song began playing, and everyone stood to see Jen as she walked down the aisle.

She stepped out with her dad on her arm and tears in her eyes. Reece's jaw dropped in awe and he began wiping away the tears in his eyes.

Jen finally made it to the end of the aisle and Reece had managed to keep himself under control with some deep breaths. The preacher began speaking and you could feel the love in the air.

I looked over to Ryan, Ella, and Grace to see they were focused intently on the ceremony. Then I looked over to my mom and Reece's dad to see that they were holding hands with bright smiles on their faces. None of them were faking it. Everyone had someone that meant everything to them... and then there was me...

I looked over at Melany who was still looking in the same direction she had been for the whole ceremony, except this time, she was mouthing something to someone. I looked to my left and made direct eye contact with Colin who had just finished nodding his head.

All of a sudden I felt sick to my stomach as I realized he was the one Melany was talking to. Colin and I gazed into each others eyes as Reece and Jen recited their vows.

"Do you Jennifer Marie Morrison and Reece Jon King, take each other as partners in life and your one true love? Do you promise to cherish this union and love each other more each day than you did the day before? Do you promise that you will trust and respect your partner, laugh with your partner, and cry with your partner, loving them faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles you may face together? Do you, give them your hand, heart, and love, from this day forward for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Reece replied in a shaky voice.

"And do you Jennifer Marie Morrison—"

"I do," she said abruptly, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Ella came out of he house with a pillow and two rings placed intricately on top.

"Mr. King, as you place the ring on Jennifer's finger, please repeat after me: You will be the love of my life, and my best friend, until the end of time."

"You will be the love of my life, and my best friend, until the end of time."

Reece smiled at Ella, grabbed the ring from the pillow with shaky hands, and looked into Jen's eyes as he gently placed the ring onto her finger.

"Mrs. Morrison, as you place the ring on Reece's finger, please repeat after me: You will be the love of my life, and my best friend, until the end of time."

"You will be the love of my life, and my best friend, until the end of time."

Jen slipped the ring on his finger and he held her hand.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!"

The preacher closed the book and Reece pulled Jen close for a passionate kiss. Everyone stood up and clapped for them as he dipped her to the ground for a good photo.

Water streamed from my eyes. Some tears were falling in honor of my best friend being married to the love of his life, but the others were for the built up resentment I felt Colin had towards me as his eyes pierced into my soul and ripped it apart.

We filed behind the bride and groom, arm in arm, in the reverse order we came out with our partners. Colin wouldn't even look at me. We just smiled at the cameras and acted like everything was okay, when deep down, we both knew it wasn't.

Nothing Is Forever [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora