Chapter 62: Why take my word for It?

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POV: Ryan

  About three hours had passed and I hadn't seen any sign of Melany, Colin, or Helen. I figured they were off somewhere doing their own thing, and decided not to dwell on the subject for to long. I had been hanging out with Jen, Reece, Jon, Savannah, and her mom for most of the night. Mrs. Newman wasn't a big fan of me, but she really liked Colin, and hearing Savannah try to explain what happened between all three of us was a long, complicated, embarrassing, painful conversation to be there for. 

 The night continued on, and everyone slowly dispersed, until only Jen, Savannah, Reece, and I were left. 

"So when does your flight leave Reece?"

"About mid-day tomorrow," he said, forcing a smile, and wrapping his arm around Jen, "I don't have to go—"

"You need to do what you love Reece. I'm not going to be the one to hold you back—"

He leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"You aren't... I love you. I'll do anything to make you happy, but if you're really ok with me going—"

"I am Reece," she confirmed, smiling back at him.

 Jen was obviously more broken up about it than she was letting on to be, but she wanted him to be happy... she was doing what was best for him, just like I was doing what was best for Savannah by moving away.

"What about yours Ryan?"

"Sometime late tomorrow night"


All of a sudden I felt a rapid buzzing in my pocket and pulled out my phone.


"Excuse me for a second," I said, accepting the call, and walking into a distant room.  


"What do you want Melany?"

"I wanted to know how much longer you were going to be gone," she said suspiciously.


"Just so I know when to expect Ella and Grace to be back by..."

"Are you sure that's the reason?" I asked slyly.

There was a long silence on the other end of the line, and for a second I thought she hung up until she finally spoke again.

"You know... I don't know how you know, but you know... Don't you?"

Her voice became dull and I looked around to make sure no one was listening in on our conversation. 

"About you and colin?" I asked in a hushed voice, "oh yeah, I've known since the day we were in Tiffany's—"

"Then you also know that I'm willing to work things out with you if you make that possible..."

"If I make it possible? What do you mean by that?"

"I know you Ryan, and I know there must be some reason you haven't told Savannah what you heard that day. It may be because you love her and didn't want to hurt her, or it could be for some future purpose because I know you're not one to think about people's feelings—"

"Oh yea, everything is going according to plan," I said under my breath.


"Nothing... The kids won't be home tonight. They're already passed out on the couch here, so Reece and Jen said they'd look after them. I'm sure they'll be alright here"

"If you say so... I'm going to go now, I have things to attend to— "

"Im sure you do"

I paused to collect my thoughts before speaking again, "Melany, I want us to work this out too... When I officially move in with you, and I start my new job hours away from Savannah... THAT'S when I'll give up, but until then—"

"Deal— I feel the same way with Colin"  

"We're done here... I don't have any need to stop by your house tonight so you're off the hook... All he wanted was one last kiss right?" I sneered, hanging up the phone before she could reply.

I took one deep breath before walking back into the main room where Savannah, Jen, and Reece were still talking.

"Ok! Sorry to be a party pooper, but I should probably be getting Ella and Grace back to Melany's house before it gets any later than it already is! Reece, wanna help me by carrying Grace to the car?"

"Sure!" He said happily, walking over to the couch to scoop up Grace.

 I picked up Ella, Jen opened the front door for all of us, and Savannah opened the car doors. We set them down gently, making sure not to disturb them too much, and strapped them inside. They squirmed in their seats a little, trying to get comfortable again, and fell asleep once more.

"You're so cute with kids," Jen said softly, walking over to Reece and giving him a kiss.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely have some one day—

"Eww, you guys are gross," Savannah joked, looking over at me, and nudging Reece's arm.

"Yeah," I grinned, "we should get going so they can get right on that..."

"Don't mind if we do!" Reece laughed, pulling Jen closer, "It's our wedding day, what'd you think was gonna happen" 

 We all laughed, joked around for a while longer, and said our goodbyes. Savannah and I hopped in the car, and I shifted it into gear. 

"Hey, when we get to Melany's house... I need you to do something for me—"

"Depends on what that something is," she smirked, continuing in a hushed voice, "I'm not doing anything sexual with you at your ex wife's house—"

"Oh no, definitely not what I meant—"

"Shocker," She laughed.

"I know right, first time ever!" I whooped, "There's probably enough of that already happening—"


"Anyway, I need you to go upstairs and Into my room. There should be a leather checkbook in my nightstand drawer... I need you to get it for me—"

"Why do you need me to get your checkbook from your room?"

"Because... If Melany is still awake, and I go up stairs, she's gonna flip out on me. I'll just stay downstairs with the girls, where I can get away fast if she comes to yell at me"

"Okay," she laughed, looking out of the passenger window. 

 The moonlight hit her face perfectly as I stopped at the upcoming red light. I looked into the rear view mirror at Ella and Grace sleeping in the back seat together, and over at Savannah, leaning her head against the window, on the verge of drifting into dreamland herself. 

 This was what my family was meant to look like, these were the girls I wanted to spend the rest of my life with... I could never see myself in a happy relationship with Melany. We would always just be making it work, nothing more, nothing less. 

The light switched to green and I shifted my eyes back to the road head. This straight road had a predictable outcome, but the figurative road I was traveling down in my life had bumps and turns everywhere, with fog as thick and murky as a swamp. I could never see far enough ahead to avoid the next obstacle, all I could do was act in the moment, and I prayed what I was doing tonight would end how I needed it to... 

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