Chapter 48: Secret Lovers

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I threw my hands on top of my head and began bawling.

"You think or do you know???"

"I'm pretty sure I —"

"THINKING and KNOWING are two different things!"

"Well OBVIOUSLY Ryan!"

Neither of us could keep it together. She shifted over to me and I pressed her close.

When Melony told me she was pregnant, I though it was the worst thing that could possibly happen... and then little Ella was born. She ended up being a piece of my everything.

Savannah losing her child absolutely sucked... I knew what it was like to be so excited to see your child and then have that excitement taken away from you. The worst thing was the fact it was so close to Valentine's Day... no one wants to hear that kind of news. I couldn't begin to imagine Colin's reaction...

"I can't express the pain I feel for you. Colin would've been a great dad, and you would've been a great mom," I explained, "I'm sorry, I dont know why this is hitting me so hard. It's just... your baby—"

"Our baby..."

"Yeah, you and Colin would've—"

"That's not what I mean Ryan," she looked up at me, tears still jetting from her eyes, "it was our child..."

My heart stopped, but the tears kept flowing. I pulled away from her and stood up. It felt like the room was closing in on me.

"Oh my god," I breathed, looking over at her as she wiped away her tears, "I can't— I don't— What ???"

I covered my face and sobbed into my hand.

"I just found out like a week ago... I'm sorry I didn't text you—"

"Don't say you're sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for..."

"I got the test just to be sure, and Colin was the one who opened it... All of this happened because of the breakup—"

"How did he respond?"

"He was surprisingly ok with it... he said no matter what, he would always help me raise the child like it was his own—"

"Good... Colin is a good guy..."

"You're a good guy too. I have full faith that you would've been an amazing father to our child..."

I couldn't handle my emotions anymore.

"I love you so much," I whimpered, walking back to the couch and kissing her on the forehead.

"I love you too Ryan..." she gripped me tight and we sat together, crying over the loss of our child....

POV: Colin

When I got to the restaurant, the waiter directed me to our reserved table, and I sat down. A couple minutes later, he came back, guiding a beautiful blonde woman in a black silk dress to my table.

"Hi Colin," she waved, flashing her beautiful smile.

"Hey, how are you?"

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