Chapter 25: Help Me Ryan

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POV: Savannah

Colin threw back the shot of Cocoroco he was previously pouring for me. I watched as the joyous expression on his face, quickly diminished into a more serious look. He wasn't really angry like I thought he'd be, judging from his actions tonight. It was more of a concerned, what have I done, look.

"What the hell do you mean Colin is the answer?" Reece questioned, "Did you two—"


"When— WHY????"

"I think I should go," Colin said, as Ryan began calling a cab.

I ignored Reece's questions and looked over to Colin, "I'm sorry I tried to—"

"We will talk later," he said, "don't be sorry, It's my fault..."

Ryan followed Colin to the door, and they left before I could think of anything else to say.


"Reece we got drunk ok... He's an attractive guy, and we got drunk, I'm sorry you found out like this."

"It's not really that, it's just... You were with Louis for three years and nothing, but you meet Colin and all of a sudden—"

"Louis and I were waiting until after marriage..."

There was another long pause and Sean decided it was probably time for him and Tanya to leave as well. We walked to the door with them to say our goodbyes.

"See you later everyone, love you all, thanks for the invitation," he said, offering everyone hugs, "and Savannah, I think you and Colin are great together... He could really use someone like you in his life."

"Thanks, but we're not together, and he sure doesn't act like it..."

"He just doesn't realize it yet... Trust me, I know my best friend."

I nodded and waved goodbye to Sean and Tanya as they walked out to their car. Then I followed Reece and Jen back into the living room.

"So... Lets talk," Reece suggested, "I can't even begin to imagine what happened between you two, and I don't even want to think about it. As your best friend, I trust that you know what you're doing to get over your past breakup—"

"Yeah, but with Colin?" Jen added, "he's really not the way to go..."

"I'm not saying I'm happy to see her with Colin, but—"

"No one is with Colin..." I said

"Exactly... It was just sex, which worries me," Reece claimed, "we just don't want to see you get hurt Savannah."

"I totally agree, Colin just doesn't seem like the right option for you right now," Jen said, forcing a smile.

"Really? How so?" I asked.

"Well he's  just not a guy looking for commitment, he's looking more for someone to get—"

"To get over you with? I mean you sound a little jealous there—"


"NO Reece. Why don't you take a taxi home with your girlfriend, I'd like to be alone tonight."

I turned around and walked up to my bedroom. A few minutes later, I heard the front door downstairs close, and tears began to pool in my eyes. I wanted someone to talk to so bad, but I knew Reece would take Jen's side, and Colin wasn't even an option right now. I held the napkin in my hand that Ryan had written his number on, and pulled out my phone. He was the only one who I could talk to without feeling like crap about myself. I just prayed he didn't hate me for being with Colin.

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