Chapter 78: Someone New

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POV: Colin

"Where have you been?!"

One of the producers was shouting at me from across the lot.

"I was just getting dressed—"

"Can someone get some makeup on him?! Quickly please?"

"I don't think I look that bad," I mumbled, picking up the pace, as a woman met me half way with a powder brush in hand.

She patted the soft bristles on my face, and I was off to take my place on set. One of the first scenes was a kiss between Jen and I. It was a little awkward, and we had to do it multiple times so the producers could get the correct angle, but they seemed happy with it in the end. We went along with our scenes, eventually five o'clock rolled around, and the others began showing up.

I was so thankful when I saw Sean pull into the parking lot again because I was sure he was done filming for the day. With him here, I could relax a little bit. Jen and I finished our last scene together and walked back to our trailers together to say hello to everyone.

"Do you regret it yet?"


Jennifer caught me off guard, and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I never wanted that to happen, especially not twice, because I knew what it'd do to our friendship... The only reason you didn't regret it the first time is because you were drunk. I tried to tell you Colin, I'm sorry... Now do you see why this can't happen again? It just isn't right..."

I looked down at the asphalt as we continued towards the trailers.

"Yeah I –"

"Hey guys!"

I was cut off by Josh as he wedged himself between us and threw his arms around our shoulders.

"Hi Josh..."

"How's it been today?"

"Not too hectic," Jen explained, "We've gotten through almost everything in one take."

"Thank gosh," Josh smiled, "Ginny wants to talk to you by the way Jen, something about a scene we have together, if you and Colin aren't busy..."

"We're not not busy at all. I can go with you now actually."

Josh waved goodbye and she walked off with him, following close behind. By that time, I was a few steps away from the trailers, and I could hear fans calling out to me. I decided to go over and meet them to get my mind off of everything.

As I made my way over, some set security kept fairly close to me, making sure I was safe, and keeping track of time.

"How is everyone today?" I asked, making their faces light up, "Hi Rachel!"

Rachel was the little girl who was always on set. Seeing her always boosted my confidence.

"Colin!" She exclaimed, running up to give me a hug as a squatted down to her level, "You look happy today!"

"I am!" I insisted, pulling out my phone, "I want to know if I can take a picture with you today"

She beamed a smile at me as I clicked the picture.

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