Chapter 72: Come Again

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POV: Savannah

Thirty minutes later, people were still coming and going to see Ryan, and the crowd hadn't dissipated at all. A lot of people were hanging out at various places around the gym, mainly to have a reason for missing class, but the majority were crowded around Ryan.

All of his favorites, from the preppy frat groupies who he like to talk sports and gossip with, to the hood rats who he liked to banter back and forth with. Everyone was standing around, poking fun at Ryan, and laughing aloud. Hanging around Ryan, you would've never thought discrimination was a real issue.

Though I enjoyed their company for a little bit, one by one, more people would trickle over, and I was starting to get annoyed by their presence. Soon enough, the table was engulfed with people, and I could hardly move in my own space. I put my head down on the table in hopes of calming my nerves, but it was no use, they were officially shot. I scooted my chair back from the table and got up to get some fresh air.

"Hey! Watch out Savannah!"

I turned around to see who I'd accidentally bumped into.

Emmett Sageo III, should've known...

Emmett was the richest guy in town and a germaphobe when it came to the 'lower class' as he'd say. That wasn't the case with me though. Emmett didn't like me because I had money, but chose not to spend it all on fancy items and fast cars. To him I still wasn't worthy enough to be in his presence. All that being said, I have no clue what he thought was so great about Ryan.

"Sorry Emmett—"

"Hey, don't talk to her like that," Ryan demanded.

So much for sneaking away without him noticing.

"What'd she do? Get a microscopic speck of dust on your crisp white Gucci button down? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a new outfit that costs more than my paycheck tomorrow..."

I heard laughter from behind as I walked towards the nearest exit. When I finally reached the door, I was relieved to be greeted by the smell of the fresh air.

"Savannah! Hey!"

My head quickly turned towards the direction of the voice to identify who it was.

"Oh, Tony... hey," I replied, cautiously walking towards him, "What are you doing out here?"

Tony and I hadn't ever really talked before, so I was confused as to why he cared now. I watched as he pulled an object from his pocket, placing it between his lips, and struck a match to light it.

"Smoking," he said bluntly.

"You smoke cigarettes?" I asked, watching him take a puff.


I watched carefully as he took another puff.

Just like the old Ryan...

"Uh, okay then—"

"That's what I want them to think," he insisted.

I stared at him with a puzzled look on my face.

Nothing Is Forever [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora