Chapter 6: Alone

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POV: Reece

  It was now 5 minutes after lunch time and everyone had already started getting their trays, Jen and I included. We all planned to eat lunch in her trailer so that Savannah and I could spend time together with the entire cast. I had just finished plating my food when I saw Colin and Savannah walking towards us from up the street.

  "Well look who finally decided to join us!" Said Sean as Colin grabbed a styrofoam takeout box to put his lunch in. "What were you two doing that took so long mate?" He joked as Colin shot him a look of dissatisfaction. Everyone giggled at Sean's remark and started heading inside Jen's trailer.

"You coming?"

"Yeah, I'll be right there... I just need a drink." I replied to Jen as she went along with the rest of the cast.

Colin was done getting his lunch and was now waiting on Savannah by the drink cooler. She had gotten there later than him and was about third in line to be served, so he knew he'd be waiting a while. I headed over to him and decided I might as well introduce myself.

"Hey, Reece King, nice to meet you Colin."

"Nice to meet you too." He said as we shook hands. I went to grab a Sprite from the cooler and noticed he had two Coca Colas sat out to the side...

"She likes diet drinks..." I said, catching him off guard as he looked off into the distance.

"Excuse me?"

"Savannah... she only drinks diet sodas... I assume both of those aren't for you? ..."

He looked at me questionably with a raised eyebrow. I shrugging my shoulders and smiled, "Just trying to help you out buddy."

I began to turn and head towards Jen's trailer. When I reached the entrance, everyone was already laughing and having a good time. I was in front of the steps, eager to go inside and talk to the cast, when I happened to glance back in the direction of the food truck. Colin was meeting up with Savannah who had just finished pouring soup into a takeout cup. I slowly climbed the stairs, eyes peeled on my best friend and the captain. I saw him smile at her as I made my way up the final step leading into the trailer, and the last thing I saw was him... handing her a Diet Coke.

POV: Savannah

By the time I got my lunch, everyone was already gone. I was surprised to see Colin actually waiting on me... I think he was still feeling bad about earlier.

"That took forever" I said as Colin walked over to me, handing me a soda, "thanks... how'd you–"

"Your friend told me– and It usually does when you get in the back of the line." he smirked and walked in the direction of the trailers, "coming love?"

I followed behind him into where the trailers were parked. As we came upon Jen's trailer he walked past and turned around...

"I believe this is your stop."

"Are you not going in?"

"Nope.. I'll spend enough time with all of them by the end of the day."

My face which once was lit up, was now expressionless as I asked, "Well what are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to go eat lunch... In my trailer..."


"Unless there's someone camping out in there that I don't know about, then yes."

He turned around and I watched him walk a few doors down. Just as I was beginning to think he actually somewhat cared to be friends, only to find out he was just trying to get rid of me... I walked up the steps to Jen's trailer and stood there for a second... thinking.

POV: Colin

  I took off my jacket and hung it on the rack beside my door. As I walked to the couch to grab the remote off the coffee table, I heard someone walking up the steps into my trailer.

"I'm not letting you eat lunch alone..." said Savannah, inviting herself inside.

"So you figured that you'd just waltz into my trailer and expect me to welcome you with open arms?" I said, turning around to analyze her motives.

"Well... Not exactly open arms, but I'm not leaving so—"

"Let me see if I have this straight... You are giving up the opportunity to lounge around and eat lunch with your favorite actors and actresses, just because I am going to be eating alone?"

"Yeah, I guess so..."

I was shocked, "Well... Close the door behind you..." I sat on the couch and turned the channel to the news as she closed the door. She then walked over to the kitchen countertop part and stood awkwardly.

"Come," I said, moving over to the edge of the couch, "sit."

"I really don't think—"

"Don't make this awkward..."

She then walked over and sat at the other end of the couch. I looked at my tray of food filled with rice and chicken, followed by cup of soup of soup on the side, then I looked over at her...

"That's all you wanted? A small cup of soup? ..."

"Yeah... It's fine."

"I've known you for about an hour now and I can tell that's what you say when you lie."

Sighing, she explained how she had this thing where when she went places, she didn't like to eat to much of other people's food because of some bad childhood experiences.

"I know... you probably think I'm pretty weird now that I told you that... "

"No, I'm glad you told me... It's not weird at all." I smiled as I looked into her eyes. I could tell by her face that she was so grateful to be on set with everyone today.

"Thank you by the way..."

"For what?"

"Nothing... it's just... nice to have someone to eat lunch with..." I said, my eyes fixated on the television screen.

When she finished her soup I offered her mine, but she wouldn't take it. I insisted I wouldn't be able to eat it after I finished my rice, she still refused, but thanked me for the offer. After spending all this time with her, I started to feel bad for judging who she was from the start, and for her having to spend most of the day with me when I knew she'd probably rather be hanging out with almost anyone else.

"So when were you both planning on leaving?

"After lunch, which is like 10 minutes I think... why?"

"Oh, Just curious..." I trailed off, thinking how terrible of a 'tour' this must've been, "You both should come back again... I'm sure this wasn't really the ideal tour you were hoping for, and I barely even got to meet Reece..."

"Well, I guess if we were invited back, how could we decline?" She looked over at me and smiled as I got up to say goodbye. We hugged and she thanked me for being a friend to her today as I walked her outside where she then meet up with Reece, and they said goodbye to the rest of the cast. Just like that... she was gone... maybe never to be seen again.

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