Chapter 44: The Exam

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POV: Ryan

I arrived to campus 30 minutes before class started.

"Mr. O'Donoghue!" Shouted Principal Novak, catching me off guard, "can I speak with you in my office?"

"Uh, yeah sure!"

Hell no...

I took a detour and headed towards where his office was located. Once I was inside, he made sure to close the door behind me.

"Have a seat," he gestured, walking back to sit at his desk.

I sat down in the chair across from him and prepared myself for what was coming.

"Well, it'd be easy to fire you right now—"


"The first day, we always plant a student in each of your classes, wearing special glasses with a built in camera, to see what kind of a teacher we've hired..."

My jaw dropped and I put my head down on his desk.

"Please GOD tell me it wasn't Hannah Shoeman!"


"Nevermind," I sighed with relief, "continue..."

"Anyway... Mr. O'Donoghue. You're a temporary substitute. We've heard that you have some court issues going on at the moment, and—"

"Listen, I'm not here to be counseled," I snapped, "If you want to fire me just grow a pair and—"

"We want to make you a permanent solution to our missing teacher problem!"


"Considering all the things you've said, you seem like a good guy, all of the students seem to like you, and I admire your fire! You could be just the addition we need. What do you say?"

I was blown away by the offer. I had done nothing good, and yet I got offered a permanent position on the staff. I knew I didn't deserve it, nor did I want it, but for the time being... I needed it.

"Uh— yeah, of course!"

"Alright!" He said, jumping up to shake my hand, "I'll walk back to your class with you and announce the news..."

"Thanks Mr. Nov—"

"Please, call me Don!"

"Don't you think you should buy me dinner first?" I joked

POV: Savannah

I arrived to class about two minutes before the bell rang. Colin's antics had me running late... As I walked through the door, I realized ALL of the front row seats were filled. Everyone that used to sit in the back had for some reason migrated to the front.

"Hey Savannah, over here!" Reece said, jumping up from two seats he'd managed to save on he second row.

I walked over through the isles and sat next to him.

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