Chasing the sun

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Arthit regretted everything. His loud sigh broke the quiet of the early morning, the office was empty except for the early birds. He had allowed himself to lose control at the party. After recovering from a nasty hangover, he had apologized to P'Tum and P'Fon for leaving early. 

As he flipped through the drafts of the new design, his mind began to wander. Why had it felt like Kongpob was on the verge of tears that day? He had no business reacting like that. Or was it wishful thinking on Arthit's part, was he projecting his own emotions? Everything felt like such a mess. 

Deciding an early morning brew was necessary, if he wanted to make any progress, Arthit made his way to the communal kitchen.


The regular office workers had started to pile in. Thanwa had offered a cheerless morning greeting before retreating to his desk. Arthit received a reminder from his mother, he had promised to visit over the weekend. 

Kongpob rapped his knuckles on the door. 

"P'Arthit, good morning."

This was their place of work after all, a basic modicum of civility would have to maintained. Arthit swallowed his retort and murmured back. 


 Kongpob placed the pink milk on his desk, Arthit looked up to see his grinning face. 

"I don't drink it anymore."

"But wasn't it -"

"It was, people change, their tastes change. Surely, you can understand."

Arthit couldn't resist getting in a dig. Kongpob remained expressionless, he strode forward till he was right in front of Arthit. Startled by his sudden presence, Arthit stood up abruptly and knocked his knee against his chair. A strong hand steadied him, Kongpob was in his personal space. 

"Kongpob, this is our place of work-"


Kongpob rarely raised his voice. He gulped and seemed to reach a decision. 

"P'Arthit, please listen. I made a stupid mistake three years ago, one which I would never repeat if I had the chance. But P', believe me when I say this, nothing has changed for me. I still love -"

"Do you take me as a fool - "

"I will do whatever it takes to make you forgive me. I will make you mine again."

With that, Kongpob loosened his grip on Arthit's arm. He offered a smile and left, as if he had not completely obliterated Arthit's defenses. Arthit's knees buckled, he slumped into his chair. His heart was beating so fast, Arthit placed a comforting hand on his chest. 

As he looked around wildly, his eyes dropped to the pink milk still innocently perched on his desk. Surely, it wouldn't harm anyone if he took a sip. He deserved it after the whole ordeal. But first, he had to make sure he didn't have any spectators, Arthit got up and closed his office door.


The rest of the week was a test for Arthit's patience. He felt sorely tempted to regress to his hazing days and bark orders at his co-workers. Kongpob had meant what he had said. Arthit saw him everywhere, often leaving small gifts on Arthit's desk or simply stopping by for a quick chat. While they were working, Kongpob maintained professionalism, but apart from that Arthit felt like he was face to face with Kongpob from his first year. 

The week couldn't get over sooner, Arthit was glad to have the reprieve of visiting his mother. He took a five hour long train journey to his home town. 

"Oon, is that you?"

His mother was getting old, the crinkles around her eyes were a clear indicator. She hugged him tightly, Arthit finally felt at home. 

After a shower, Arthit sat cross-legged in his old bedroom. His mother had tucked herself in for the night. Arthit felt a wave of affection for her, she had a way of making his worries seem trivial. She had made all his favourite dishes, and had listened with rapt attention as he explained his progress in the company. No doubt, she was storing the information to brag about her son, the next time she made a visit to her neighbourhood friends. 

His thoughts unwittingly drifted to Kongpob. 'I will make you mine again.' Arthit could feel himself blushing. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, there was no point going down the same path again. It would just lead to heartbreak for him. 

Three years ago, he had been in love with Kongpob. He had been contemplating introducing him to his mother. But, then Kongpob had made sure he didn't need to. 

Arthit refused to play the fool this time. 


A/N : Okay, a couple of things. I have no idea about Arthit's family life, so in my head he's a single child whose father passed away. Also, there's a fictional train which takes him to his hometown, 5 hours away :P

The chase has begun again. xD

Even if I stagger [Kongpob/Arthit]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora