Twenty Two

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Antonio's P.O.V

The predator. The hunt. The prey.

That was the game now. I am the predator and Marcos is my prey. My goal to end his life. That's the hunt.

The predator will always get his prey and I'm going to torture him till he begs for me to end his life.

Blue prints of blue prints for my plan sat on my desk in my office at the mansion. I paced back and forth trying to come up with the best way to make Marcos pay.

Small knocks on the door stopped my pacing momentarily.

"Come in." I said going back to my pacing.

A teenage girl walked in. She wore light blue jeans and a pink button shirt with a lab coat hanging over her frame.

She was a smart girl. Her blonde hair and glasses covered her face. I hired her from her parents when she was fifteen. That was three years ago.

"Sir Costa. The results on the little girls DNA are back." she hung her head low. She didn't dare look at me.

I stopped and stared at her, "And? You gonna open your mouth and tell me the results or are you just gonna stand there like a stop sign?"

She softly whimpered and nodded her head.

"Sorry sir. She is not your child. She was the daughter of Marcos and Sam." she said.

I looked at her confused.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and looked around. She balanced from the balls of her feet to her heels and back looking like a small child. "There not much we don't know. Just like there's not much we don't have thanks to you." she gave me a small smile and stepped closer.

"We have enough programs and products in our lab to find anything out." her tone had changed to one of a more seductive tone.

She walked over to my desk leaning across it placing the papers on my side of it. She perked her ass in the air and even though her lab coat hid it there was still something there that made me want her.

She stood back up and walked over to the door that led out of the room. "Let me know if you need ANYTHING else Mr Costa. I'd be happy to help."

She put the the emphasis on "anything" moving her finger up and down my body circling where my dick is.

Jamie walked in and quickly waved her off as if he has power. Moving my hand in swift motion across his face caused
him to fall back a little and automatically apologize to the girl.

Since Alex died he's been up my ass. Not that he's not a cool boy because he is but I need my space and time to think.

I can't do that with him hovering over me all the time. "Jamie is there a reason you think you have any authority in my house? In my presence?" He slumped down into the chair he was sitting in. Ignoring my words. Ignoring my question. "Answer me Jamie." I raised my voice slightly enough that will scare him. He shook his head no.

"Sorry sir. If you want I'll go sit in your punish room." he said quietly.

What is wrong with this boy? I am not his Master. I do not own any privilege to punish him unless I have Lorenzo's 'okay' to do so. Which would never happen. Lorenzo doesn't allow any other man to touch his property and neither do I? Alex was a special case.

I blame myself for letting him go back to that wretched place. The child isn't even mine and he could still be alive if I hadn't risked it. It's my fault. "No Jamie. That is Lorenzo's job go see what he wants to do about it." He began to pout and a dreadful look spilled onto his face.

Not my problem.

My problem is Marcos. My other problem? How am I going to make him suffer the greatest punishment ever?

There's really no torture great enough that could possibly equal everything out. He needs to pay for what he's done. "He's a monster." I found myself repeating my thoughts out loud.

"A monster that's needs to be sent back to hell." I laughed menacingly.

Could always take a page from the movies. They always seem to have great torture schemes.

No that wouldn't work. I needed to be original.

Something that no one has ever done before.

New. Terrifying. The highest level of psychotic.

I wanted this to hurt him. No, I need this to hurt him. Make him feel like death would be his best friend if it just welcomed him in its flames.

Not even Satan should welcome him in his hell.

Marcos is about to feel my hell and my pain. My suffering and everything that he's done to me. My Alex is unresponsive and it's his fault. All his fault.

Practically dead already. No room for argument. No pleading. Just torture. Horrific torture from my soul to his. His house of pain will be mine.

"Mr Costa? Um. I was told by Lorenzo to come see you for my punishment." Jamie's shy voice brought me out of my thoughts. His small frame stood in the door way while his eyes lingered around the room avoiding looking at me for even a second.

Would Alex mind? If I just released some stress of mine into Jamie?

I can't think of my Alex right now. Just release.

"Very we'll come here Jamie and bed over the desk."

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