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Alex's P.O.V (Alex is played by Johnnie Guilbert)

Date night tonight with Marcos so I decided to call him anonymously just to see if he would lie about any plans. I've been doing this since day one.

The phone only rang once then he answered. "Marcos house of pain where I enjoy hearing and giving the pain of innocent twinker boys how can I help you?"

That caught me off guard. "What was that?" I asked. He began to stutter. "Alex that's you? Did I say pain I meant gain. Yeah gain. We're just one big house of love and charity. Why you calling me through anonymous?" He asked.

I explained to him and he just reassured me that our date was still on and then hung up.

A week. That's all it's been since I moved in with Marcos and let me tell you it is far better than being with Tony .

Call me an attention whore or whatever but I actually get noticed by Marcos like every five minutes maybe more.

I didn't get that from Antonio and I know it wasn't my fault. I tried to apologize and he ignored it so its all on him. Not me.

I don't feel I did anything wrong.

He probably doesn't either but he's always so closed at least he has been lately. I tried going back a couple days ago to at least talk to him and Jamie said he wasn't there and that only Lorenzo was.

He ran away. Typical guy. Always running away from their problems, they can never stay and try to fix things.

I hate him! I just so hate him. I mean, I don't but I do. I don't know how I feel. I know how I feel for Marcos though. I have feelings for him. Like true feelings for him. At the same time I don't know what I'm going to do.

I like being here but at the same time I liked being with Antonio but Marcos is my only option to be with right now since Tony had to run away.

Even if Tony didn't run away I still would have chosen Marcos because like I said, I hate Antonio!

I really do. Maybe.

Lorenzo's P.O.V (played by Jesse Metcalfe)

I was shocked. My brother the one man that loved to be in control suddenly lost it all because of one small boy that he stupidly loved, and stupidly loved to soon.

"Non si può andare in là. Sig. Costa è occupato." Jamie said. (You can not go in there. Mr Costa is busy)

The next voice appeared. "Io sono sua madre. Non sarà mai troppo occupati per me Jamie. Inoltre egli ha da mangiare e così si fa. "

(I am his mother. He will never be too busy for me Jamie. He also has to eat, and so do you.)

It was my mom. Worrying about me eating as always. "Ciao mamma" (Hello mom) I told her as I opened my new office door.

"Ciao mio figlio. Dov'è tuo fratello? Sono venuto a vedere entrambi." (Hello my son. Where is your brother. I came to see you both.) she asked.

"E 'via per un viaggio d'affari." I told her. (He's away on a business trip.) She didn't believe me I could tell by the way she looked at me.

She didn't ask any further questions though. Thank heavens. Antonio asked me to keep his new identity and his where abouts secret. Only Jamie, Antonio and I know. That's how its suppose to and going to stay.

My mom went to the kitchen and began doing the same thing she always does for her sons and her family. She cooks.

Although the cooks here hate it because they say she is so bossy. Which she can be. She is a mother. Mothers are bossy.

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