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Alex's P.O.V

5 Months Later

"Okay Jamie. I understand how to play really, you don't have to talk me through step by step. It's really not that hard." I said to the medium length haired boy sitting across from me on my hospital bed.

He's been here since I woke up, although I don't know who he is. Two guys have been here for the past couple weeks as well.

Antonio and Lorenzo. Antonio looks oddly familiar. I can't put my finger on it but its still there burning in the back of my mind like ashes of paper after a mentally disturbed girl gets dumped by her boyfriend.

Jamie laughed. "Well if it's so easy then give me your mother freaking twos Alex."

I smiled at him. Jamie is a weird kid but he's awesome. He's always happy and it's like nothing can destroy him but I've also noticed he's extremely sensitive.

" I don't have any twos but you can give me your queens." I said to Jamie. He smacked his teeth together and pulled a queen out handing it to me.

Antonio walked in a couple seconds later carrying two brown paper bags with both mine and Jamie's names on it.

"What's that?" Jamie asked pointing to his bag. Lorenzo walked in right after. "A surprise my pet."

For a while I wondered why Lorenzo called him pet but every time I asked Antonio always gave me a stern look so I just let it go. A phone started ringing and Antonio reached into his pocket to answer it.

"Costa." he said.

He always answered the phone saying his last name first. It was weird.

Antonio's P.O.V

"Castro." I said into the cell phone.

I had been on the look out for Marcos since the night I found Alex.

I shot him but it hit his arm. I would of hit my ideal target but his groupies came in and tackled me.

They'll all pay though. All of them.

"2238 Elmford Dr. Bring extra ammo if you plan to kill him. Heavy set armed guards. Always about two or three guards around him . Other wise only two guards on the front door and one on the back door not as armed." I smiled. "Thanks Justin."

I hung up the phone and walked over to Lorenzo.

"I'll be back watch Alex?" I asked. He nodded his head and looked back to Jamie who was still sitting on Alex's bed trying to get him into go fish.

I left the hospital and walked to my car. Getting in I set the gps for my current destination.

I called Justin back and after two rings he answered. "Mr Costa." he said.

"I'm on my way. No extra ammo just melee weapons. Be prepared Justin." I hung up.

After a 30 minute drive that would take me normally an hour, I arrived a block away from the house. Justin was smart and parked on the same block almost.

Justin and I began walking to the street behind the house to get the guard from the back first. We stopped in front of a yellowish brownish house with green bordering around the windows and door. The side yard gates had signs saying beware of dog.

"I got this." I walked up to the door and twisted the door knob seeing it was unlocked.

I walked in and began whistling. Two Rottweilers came to the back sliding glass door snarling and jumping. "Watch your back Justin." I said.

Justin stood two feet away from me following slowly behind with his machete out as I walked to the door.

I grabbed the handle an slid the door open and both the dogs stopped what they were doing and just looked at me and Justin.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked to the backyard.

"Boss look. They got puppies. Think we can snag a couple for the business?" Justin asked seriously. Ignoring his questions I jumped on top of the dog house furthest from the puppies.

I pulled the pistol from my pants underneath my suit jacket and the suppressor from my pocket and put it together.

"I thought you said no extra ammo?" Justin asked.

"That's right. I said no extra ammo. I said nothing about no guns and the ammo they came with." I sternly told him.

I peaked over the wall into the pack yard of Marcos hide out.

There was one guard on the back and right behind that guards head was the window and inside that window was a clear shot of two other guards surrounding my victim.

I raised my arm not draggin any attention to myself.

One shot.

Two shot.

Three shot.

Four shot.

I had nailed four guards easily and I didn't even see the fourth one.

Marcos ran out and raised his gun towards Justin's head that was sticking out like a pole off the ground.

Just raised his gun pointing to the other guards oblivious to who is aiming at him.

Holding my gun up I shot a bullet towards Marcos. His guard pushed him out the way and took it for him.

"Marcos Run!" The guard said.

Run. Run he did do.

I hopped the wall and traded Justin weapons. "Chase him. He shoots at you. Shoot back but other wise don't waste ammo just follow him."

Just ran to the street and quickly waved down a car and snatched it up. I took one of the guards gun and shot the driver who was now trying to call the cops.

I took the machete and drove it through the guards body who took the bullet. He was dead but he still deserved it.

Walking over to the driver I saw it was a woman. Mid thirties. Dark brown hair and green eyes. She was beautiful even in her dying and suffering moment.

I debated on whether to walk away or not. "Please I'm a mother." With those words I began to search her for her wallet or phone. Finding her phone, it needed no passcode.

There was no traces of children on the phone.

I took the gun that I still held in my hand and raised it above her. I shot off four bullets to her body and one to her brain.

I'm not good with liars.

Even if she wasn't lying there was no proof.

Oh well.

My phone began to ring. I pulled it from my pocket and answered it. "Alex?" I asked.

"Uh yes sir it's me. Are you coming back because even though I love him like my brother Jamie is driving me nuts and I miss you." He said.

"I'm on my way."

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