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Antonio's P.O.V (Keep in mind a few months has past)

I just wanted to lay with him one night. I didn't realize he woke up slightly. Not until he came and asked me about it the morning after. I put a chip in his phone to keep an eye on him though. 

Found out some interesting things. Besides the fact that we now know each other as people who live in the same house. 

Marcos found him. Normally I would have acted on it but right now I got my mind on something else and it isn't something I want Alex to know about. Something I'm not proud of and it's something I know if Alex knew about then he would leave me. 

Possibly for Marcos. 

Alex still tries to talk to me though. I sometimes think that there is hope I'll get over my stubbornness and he'll drop Marcos and we'll talk and drift back together.

What I can't seem to figure out is why Marcos changed his name to Marcos in the first place. His name was Aaron. That was his birth name. 

Can't really say anything about that Antonio isn't my real name either, but it's in my name. My full name is Stefano Dante Antonio Costa. I just don't like the first two so I use my third name. I planned to tell Alex but now I am really not so sure that I want him to know anything about me. 

Marcos and him have already been meeting behind my back. Alex has been sneaking out. He thinks I don't know but like I said before there is a chip in his phone. 

I was deep in thought about everything going on when a small knock sounded at my bedroom door. I jumped up out of my bed, wearing only my white tank and red sweats with my black ankle socks. 

I opened the door, "What do you want Alex?" 

"Oh you spoke to me! This is so awesome you finally spoke to me!" With that being said Alex took off down the hall. 

Such a weird kid. 

I closed the door but before I could reach my bed a much louder knock sounded. 

Walking back over and opening the door Lorenzo walked in. "It's time to tell Alex who Marcos really is. I over heard him on the phone planning to go live with Marcos and leave you."  

Lorenzo paced in front of me and was softly chewing on the corner of his right thumb. 

"Just let him go brother. If that is what Alex wants to do then that's what he wants to do. He's already been sneaking out to be with Marcos anyways. So might as well just let his ass go anyways."

Lorenzo stared at me like I was crazy. I grabbed my stereo remote and hit play. 2 phones by Kevin Gates began to blast through the speakers and I turned my television on and muted the volume and turned it to my hdmi. 

To get my mind off of everything I figured I would play a video while blasting music. 

Alex's P.O.V 

I could hear 2 phones by Kevin Gates playing from Antonio's room all the way to the back yard and they are a good ways away from each other. Marcos was on the other line and was singing to the song. 

"Who is playing that song anyways? You?" Marcos asked. I laughed. That is not my kind of music. "No Antonio is. I think he is upset about something." 

He sighed on the other end. "Why are you still hung up on him. You know what he did to you." he said. I laughed at him. "You mean what you did to me and blamed on him and how he just dropped me when I accused him instead of talking about it? Yeah I know. All he had to do was talk to be about it and he never did." 

Sighing again I could literally see Marcos shake his head at me. "Because he already has a lot of guilt over what he did to Samantha. She was his world and then one mistake and his world went crumbling down, literally. I did what I did to you so you would see his true colors then I fell for you. Now when are you leaving to be over here?" 

We have been planning on moving in together for about a month now and despite all my tries to get Antonio to talk to me, it's not working. On top of that I've really gotten closer with Marcos. 

"Tonight if that is okay with you?" I said. 

He quickly said yes and we said our goodbyes then hung up. 

Antonio's P.O.V 

It was around 7:15 pm and Alex was knocking on my bedroom door again. 

I answered and before I could say anything Alex was walking in. "What can I do for you Mr Waters?" He turned swiftly notifying me he was shocked I called him by his last name. 

"I came to tell you that I am leaving. I'm moving in with a friend of mine. I ju.." I laughed. "You mean Marcos. I already knew you were gonna tell me this. Before you go take this cheap shit phone and give me back the iphone. His number is already programed in here for you." 

He handed me the iphone and took the cheap phone and its charger. He walked out of my room without a look of regret, or sadness. He walked out of my room as if he didn't give two shits about what I might have been feeling. He chose Marcos over everything I've ever did for him. 

Fuck him too then!!

I walked out of my room and down the hallway he was walking down bumping into him as I passed. I punched the wall at the top of the stairs. Running down the stairs and swiftly into my brothers office. Jamie was sitting in there with him when I stepped in. Jamie's eyes had widened and he looked terrified. 

"Jamie step out. Go help Alex pack. Once he is all packed then let me know I'll arrange a ride to take him where he needs to be." Jamie nodded his head and left the room. 

Lorenzo stood up and placed both his hands on my soldiers and placed me on one of the arms of the chair in his office. "Breathe brother." 

I went to my brother because he was the only one I didn't mind seeing me cry. 

Once I finished crying and confessing I made a decision that would change my life forever. 

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