31. Confession #29

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Ayyy back!! This one will probably be short, sorry.

I've been having this imagine in my head lately, and I don't like it. I don't know why I can't stop imagining it and where the idea came from in the first place.

It's of me fainting. Now I've never fainted in my whole life, but it's all I can imagine. In different places too. But all I see is it happening at school and I don't know why.

Just me stumbling for the door, dizzy and blurry vision. Just as I reach for it, there I go. Falling onto the floor, just barely missing the handle. All I see is my hand and my vision going dark. My point of view shifts and I see myself falling onto the floor and landing, just laying there with my eyes closed. I can imagine the outfit too, which is weird. I'm wearing my Mickey mouse sweater and blue jeans, one of my favorites. Weird how I remember that detail in every imagining.

I imagine it happening in many different places: the hallways, my English class, my av class, outside the band hall, the list is endless really. Honestly I'm not sire why I've imagined it so much, but it kind of scares me.

I guess as long as I don't wear that outfit, I'll be fine.

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