10. Confession #9

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WOOP THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH GAHHHH! Here's today confession!

I couldn't believe it. Today was the day. The day I finally got to see you after an agonizing week. I had to come into school early to print out all the wattpad confession you wanted since you can't get it. I got into my stepdads car and went right over. I was so excited. Maybe too excited? When the band hall finally opened, I stepped inside, dropped my bag off, and went outside to wait. I just wanted to see you already! Finally, I saw just a glimpse of you. I got kinda scared, so I followed someone inside. I went over to Zona and laid on her head, pretending to have a conversation with her and trying to act busy. I saw you come in and put your instruments away into your locker. I'm not sure if you saw me, but I finally got the courage to go over to you. All I wanted in that moment was to run into your arms and just stand there. But I knew I couldn't, so we just talked and played with each others words. I went outside to see if Kay was here, which she was. I ran into her arms to try to substitute it for the feeling of being in yours, but I still had that feeling. It was like it was a leech stuck on my nerves.

In first period, it was fun Like usual with the daily dose of memes and hilarious moments. I always love first period. I went down to the libraby and printed out your notes, and when I came back I put them in the envelope. I couldn't wait til second period, I had that with you. You sit right behind me and I'm so glad you do. I gave it to you and you seemed so happy. Then during third, you finally opened it and once you did you knew what it was. You seemed so happy, I felt the butterflies in my stomach as you smiled. I just sat there in English thinking of you, even though you were right in front if me. Then the bell rang. I hated English but all I wanted to do was stay there and be near you, even though it wasn't that close.

All during lunch I was just highly and happy. I couldn't control it any longer. I just had to let out all my happiness. Then during c3 I was texting you and we were talking about Thursday and all I want is for it to be Thursday.

In band, I just wanted to be with you the whole time. Never leave your side at all. But I had to. After school, we took some photos and I love them. I love them so much. Before you left I couldn't help it any longer. I hugged you for as long as I dared. It was the greatest thing ever. I could've stay there forever, but you had to leave. So did I. I let go, and died a little on the inside because I wanted to never let go. But it was one step closer to being closer to you.

Now, I don't think I can wait til Thursday.

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