19. Confession #18

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I love doing these. I love writing on this. So I thank you all for reading this. A lot. Now back to my confession!

Today was the first day of exams. I got to stay in the band hall for 4 whole hours. I loved it. Every second of it. The Christmas Party was amazing. I loved eating the food (self consciously as usual) and doing the white elephant gifts. I got a mug with hot cocoa mix and a health bar. There was a lot of laughs and memories. What was my favorite part of the day though?

It was after the party. We went outside onto the side. I wanted to show you the sky. It was beautiful, I wish I could've gotten a picture of it. That's how beautiful it was. We stood out there, just embracing each other. Exchanging sweet words, exchanging truth. He told my I was beautiful, to my face. All I could do was look down. It made me embarrassed, probably was blushing the whole time. I don't see how you see me beautiful when I don't see it myself. I didn't say anything about that though. I just told him the truth, "your beautifulER." Yes, you are beautiful inside and out. In every single way.

We hugged a little more. I saw the other side of the sky, and immediately showed you. It was gorgeous! The big moon on the colorful sky. It was so loving, so precious.

Then I kissed you, on the cheek again. Purposely missing like usual until the day I plan. I told you that I'd push you a little since this was one of your first relationship, and hopefully your only. I told you I'd let you drive the bus but I would help guide it. Then you did something I didn't expect, at all. You kissed my cheek. I didn't want you to see my blush and fluster, so I hugged you. I tried to hug you as "passionately" as I could. It felt amazing. I didn't expect it either. I felt the shocks go through my body and as I imagine it the memory just gives me shocks.

I knew all you needed was a little push. Now, all I want so badly is to be with you. I can't wait until your birthday. I have my plans...

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