32. Confession #30

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Whoop I'm back!! Ayyyy! So this is kinda be pointless but what is all of these? This one is just extra pointless!

It's weird because I love to sing but I'm horrible at it. I'd love to sing in front of people but I can't. I wish I would just get over my own anxiety and just do it already. I try making covers and YouTube, but that doesn't really do much for me. I do horribly on there too.

I guess that's one reason I play instruments. Because I was told I can't sing by others and myself so instead I do something else. And yes I love playing flute and tenor sax and guitar and keyboard but I love to sing too.

I do it all the time, just not very loud or not out loud. Buy one day I will be able to. I'll get over it. Hopefully tomorrow. I want yo push through that and just sing. I've sang once in front if people, and that was at the band lock in. I didn't exactly get much of a response, so I'm guessing I did badly.

I wish I could just be like Kaycee or Brittney when I can just sing and not worry or care what other people think. That's not me though.

I just want to sing.

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