4. Confession #3

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Yay another one! These are starting to become daily for some odd reason?? I dont think that will be the schedule but for now, onto the confession!

Last year, I use to go to people all the time to help me with my depressing self. Whoever was available, I'd ask for help. Noe this year, I don't talk much about my problems. Rarely and to a select few. Why? Well I realized how selfish I was, always trying to get help for myself and almost never helping other people eji were in need. I realized that so many other people needed me and so i became the helper,the advice giver, the comforter instead of the opposite.

I was talking to someone tonight when I realised that I've been helping so much more that I was being helped. I am honestly grateful. I don't care who's problems, what it is, how bad it is, I always try to help. Then I realised I stopped talking about myself. Stopped talking about me and my problems. I am so happy that I get to help so many people, it makes me smile every time I see that I've put a smile on someone's face. My problems? They matter yes, but not as much as helping other people to smile and be bright. I could talk to someone about what's bothering me, but I'd rather help someone with their relationship or comfort them in a recent death in the family.

I'm not a selfish person at all. That's what I've realized through all this thinking tonight.

Off on a serious note, if you need someone to talk yo, I got you. Because I'd rather see your smile than my problems later out before me.

This one was super short but oh well. It goes with my actual height.

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