30. Confession #28

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Back again, ayyyy! I forgot again didn't I? Damn. I'm really bad at this. Lol. Well here I am again! This time instead of being my depressing self I'll make this one happy. So enjoy!

Ahhh Destiny. I still remember when we first became friends. Way back when I first moved to Maine in second grade. Now here we are, almost 8 years since that day and I am still baffled. How have you been able to deal with me for that long?

I wish we had more than just social media and summer to be together. I've tried to get you to come down here for spring break, but plane tickets are VERY expensive. Hopefully soon though, since we both will be able to start driving soon. I still have some of our letters. Some got lost sadly but others did not. They bring back so many memories. I wonder if you still have some of mine. Maybe while you were moving houses(which I'm so excited to see the final product of!!!) You found some and it just made you smile. I miss you everyday and I wonder how things would be if you were here or me there. Of course I would be in band, that's always final. But what about everything else? It makes my mind go crazy.

Destiny, you have pretty much done everything for me. You got me out of my girly phase, got me into YouTube, and got me into awesome music. I thank you for that and I'm excited to see what's up next. Though there is a few I refuse to get into like ninja sex party and hands like houses. Nothing against them, I just refuse to get into them. I love spending a week at your house then a week at mine. Those are always the best. Just walk up to Dunkin Donuts, grab coffee and (my favorite) pretzel twist, walk back, and swim. Those nights just staying up taping phones to the fan with music playing and club lights were awesome and even making a couple videos together. I have so much fun doing that. We are probably the craziest together. And we still have those hair elastics in OUR tree. If you think I forgot, of course I didn't. The tree at your house that we always climb and play music and eat in. That is OUR tree and no one will take that away from us.

I guess really all I have to say is thank you. You are my bestest friend ever, practically my sister. As I use to say *best sister friend ever*. But really it's true. Because you are the most amazing person alive and honestly what would I do without you? Thank you, for almost 8 years of my life spent with the most amazing person alive and sticking with me Even though we're miles apart and only get to see each other for two months a years.

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