22. Confession #21

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So this one is actually going to be a log of a kiss that is gonna happen today so yay! Enjoy my thoughts and feelings!

6:58 A.M.

Im on the bus and I'm a little nervous. Each second that I get closer to the school my stomach knots even more. I have his present next to me. They are just simple things like a shirt, a jar with a flower, a block with a heart on it. But his real present will be his first kiss. I'm nervous. I haven't kisses anyone in a while and I've never given anyone there first. What am I suppose to do? It's hard to think, I've imagined it so many times in my head, the image playing on rerun. But I still ponder and worry. What if I mess up? What if I have a nervous breakdown right there? I'm not sure, it's just my thoughts getting to the best of me. My friend Kay has been helping me some, and I'm going to try to get a photo. He may notice, but he'll live me for it later. I'm not sure on when I should of it. This morning or after school? It's a half day. I'm thinking the morning but I'm going to have Kay help me on that desicion also. He doesn't know. I told him "oh we're gonna summon demons for your birthday!" I should leave for noe, and hope the knots in my stomach get better over the very long bus ride.

7:50 A.M.

I got to the band hall but immediately ran back out because I saw the person I needed to jiy be there, be there. How unlucky was I? I went through the back, put the bag in his locker(making a huge commotion yet unnoticed by him), and ran back out. I had to meet with Brittany because she had to give me something. Curse you!

8:05 A.M.

"Why can't I summon demons now?" I whined at Kay. She was helping me with my desicion, but I wanted to do it at that moment. He gave us weird looks and just shook his head. Soon, I'll be leaving for 2 hours taking a stupid algebra exam. 2 whole hours away from him. I didn't want to leave that band hall, ever. But I know I have to.

10:46 A.M.

I finally got done with all the exams and all the stuff I had to do. Now I have time with you. About 2 hours. I got a box and I had a lot of fun. The knots in my stomach were so knotted that it became one huge big knot.

12:00 P.M.

I'm so nervous. School gets out in 20 minutes and I only have that much time to give you the last present. 20 minutes until we never get to see each other for two weeks. Two weeks of torture.


"Close your eyes, the demons will come faster if you do." I told him. I had Kay taking photos. This was it, the final present. The kiss you had been waiting for. I leaned in and.... I'll let you imagine the rest.

9:51 P.M.

I can't stop thinking about you and our first kiss, your first kiss. The last time I got to see you. I'm with Kay still, I'm spending the night. Even then, your still on my mind.

That's just how much I love you. Happy Birthday gingersnap, I hope you loved your gifts. Especially the one at the end.

OK that is all for this little log thingy.

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