Part 15

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"When you are the problem, it's hard to see it."

-Marty Rubin


We were in my car heading to my house to have dinner with my mom.

It was either going to go really well. Or really badly.

My mom has never been shy in telling people what she thinks of them.

I guess my mom and Mrs.Baker have that in common.

I admired Mrs.Baker's honesty, but man was she the worst.

Now I see why Emma hates her so much.

I couldn't shake the bitter feeling that Emma's mom was right though.

About me, about Emma, about everything.

"What are you thinking about?" Emma said breaking my train of thought.

"Do you ever feel like everything is going too well?" I said answering her question with a question.

"You mean like... do I ever feel like reality is more like a dream?" Emma said, her voice laced with confusion as she shifted her body towards me.

"Kind of, but not really. More like everything is going just a little too perfect for a little too long." I said trying to make sense of my thought.

I parked the car.

"What are you talking about, Daniel?" She asked me. I looked at her. She seemed worried.

I didn't want her to worry about me.

I don't want to be a burden.

"This is all.. feel like this is all too good to be true, and I'm bound to mess it up somehow," I said being honest with her.

I looked out the window and at my house.

I never really notice how small and beat up it was. It was always just home for me.

I felt her touch my arm through my thick winter jacket.

Her hand slowly traveled down to my hand before lacing her fingers between mine.

"You don't have to feel like your alone, you have me." She said in a silent promise.

But, how much longer will I have you before you find out I'm just another pebble in your search for a diamond?

I didn't answer her.

I looked down at her small hand in mine, I couldn't help but smile softly.

I might as well enjoy this while it last...

"Come on, we wouldn't want to keep my mom waiting," I said getting out the car.

I walked to Emma's side and helped her out seeing as she's never been here before.

I hadn't noticed, but while I was driving here it began raining.

"Do you think she'll like me?" Emma asked I whispering into my ear as I quickly lead her up the steps to the door.

"Hopefully," I said jokingly to her. She elbowed me in the stomach lightly.

"Way to boost my confidence." She muttered sarcastically.

"Anytime, babe," I said as I opened the front door.

She laughed. "When you say babe, all I think of are pigs." I chuckled "nice to know." I answered.

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