Part 24

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"To crooked eyes truth may wear a wry face."

- J.R.R. Tolkien


The last two weeks went by quickly. Winter break was about a week away and I was more than ready to get the time out of school.

It's been exhausting.

Avoiding Devon because he is still pissy I didn't take his side in the fight.

Avoiding Ashley because I wasn't sure how to act around her after she gave me all those pills.

Avoiding Levi because he is still pissy I didn't take his fucking side in the fight.

Avoiding Grace because every time I see her I think about how there was something going on between Levi and Her and felt like I should tell Devon.

Avoiding Michael because he was still pissy I didn't take his fucking side in the fucking fight.

It was beyond tiring.

The only person keeping me sane was Emma.

It scares me how attached to her I've become, I don't know what I'll do once she leaves me. And, she will.

I was walking down the school hall to meet Emma so I could walk her to her next class.

"Daniel, just the person I've been looking for," Mr.Schindler said stopping me.

I rolled my eyes but forced a smile before turning to him.

"Good morning, Mr.Schindler. I didn't see you there." I said trying to be nice.

Nice wasn't exactly my thing.

"I wanted to talk to you about something, do you have a moment?" Mr.Schindler said as he adjusted his glasses.

The grin on his face was creeping me out.

I nodded my head slowly, whatever it was I wanted him to spit it out.

"Congratulations, Daniel. I just got informed that You're a finalist for the Youth Modern Art Competition." He said excitedly.

Wait, what?

"I'm going to New York?" I asked slowly.

I guess he took my delayed response as excitement.

He went on "Yes, you're going to New York. Good job, my boy." He said before suddenly pulling me into a hug.

The fuck?

I patted his back slowly before quickly pulling away from him.

He laughed as he adjusted his glasses.

"I guess I'll let you go, I assume you have a special girl waiting for you?" He said with a raised brow. No doubt referring to Emma.

Maybe, I made my collection a bit too personal about my life...

I didn't have to be told twice. I quickly wished him a farewell and walked away.

When I reached Emma's classroom she was waiting at the door for me. Her teacher Mrs.Young smiled at me.

Emma was wearing a large yellow sweater with a painting pallet in the front, black jeans, her glasses, and cane.

It was ironic to me that for someone who couldn't see color she sure made it her mission to wear yellow more often than not.

"I have great news," I said unable to control the wide smile on my face as I took her hand and lead her out the room.

Compared to my black Marilyn Manson shirt, black jeans, black shoes, and you guessed it black beanie Emma looked like a ray of sunshine.

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