Part 7

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"If love is blind, then maybe a blind person that loves has a greater understanding of it."

-Criss Jami


"Earth to Danny Boy," Levi said while waving his hand in my face trying to get my attention.

I guess they had enough of me ignoring them as suddenly Michael punched me in the arm, hard.

"What the fuck, guys?" I asked annoyed finally turning to face them. Michael simply rolled his eyes "Sorry man, just trying to help you get your head out your ass." He replied causing Levi and Devon to laugh.

They may be my friends but sometimes they act like jerks and I hate them.

I didn't respond once again as I stood in front of my locker looking down the hall towards Emma's locker waiting for her to show up.

After hanging out with her on Saturday I really couldn't get her out of my mind and just really wanted to see her again.

Since I got to school I've been waiting for her to show up, which is probably why the guys are being asshats.

"Come on let's go outside. We could smoke a quick one before school starts." Devon suggested. "Nah, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna wait here." I told them while still staring at Emma's locker.

I guess that was enough for them as they turned to leave. But before they were gone I could loudly hear Levi mutter "They aren't even dating and he is acting whipped as fuck."

Whatever, I don't need their shit anyways.

Just then Emma and her cousin walked towards Emma's locker together.

As Emma's cousin opened Emma's locker I walked over to them.

"Hey," I said as I now stood before them. Rebecca gave me a dirty look as Emma turned towards my direction and smiled.

"Hi," Emma asked quietly. "How was the rest of your weekend?" I asked trying to make conversation. "It was good," Emma answered. Rebecca cleared her throat loudly.

Emma frowned softly. I imagine if Emma wasn't wearing her signature large black glasses she would be rolling her eyes right now.

"This is my cousin, Becca. Becca this is Daniel." Emma said introducing me formally to her cousin.

Becca glared at me. "It's Rebecca, to you." She said coolly. Rude.

I ignored her as I looked back to Emma. "Don't be rude, Bec," Emma told her cousin calmly. "Whatever, I got your stuff. Are you ready to go?" Rebecca replied rudely.

"Actually," Emma said nervously turning kind of toward me, she was facing towards the right too much to really be facing me. "Daniel, I was wondering if maybe you could escort me to class today?" She finished.

To say I was surprised was an understatement. She wanted me to walk her around?

Rebecca's mouth was ajar as she looked at Emma like she was crazy. "He can't-" Rebecca started to say but I quickly cut her off by answering "sure."

Emma turned towards me completely and smiled. "Great." She said happily. Rebecca glared at me again.

I grabbed Emma's stuff from Rebecca. "I'm not just going to let you leave with this guy," Rebecca argued as she turned and face Emma.

Right, because you didn't totally leave us alone in a house together two days ago...

Now I'm sure Emma would be rolling her eyes if I could see them. "Relax, he is only walking with me to class," Emma said sounding annoyed.

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