Part 14

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"Sunglasses are more useful to a blind man than freedom of speech is to a man who does not think for himself."

-Mokokoma Mokhonoana


I parked in front of Em's house, making sure not to get too close to the black car in the driveway.

My mom would kill me if I crashed the car, again.

The black car in the driveway was shiny and sleek. I didn't recognize it.

It was way nicer than my shitty 2004 Honda.

I got out my car and walked up the steps to her house door.

I knocked on the door.

Maybe Emmett, Emma's dad, got a new car. I thought to myself as I pushed my hair out my face.

When he is home his grey B&W was usually in the driveway.

Emmett was an okay dude. He hovered over Emma a lot, but he was still cool.

Well as cool as a dad can be. Most of the time... Sometimes he was a little pushy.

The front door swung open.

What the...

I was confused as there stood a woman I didn't recognize.

She had long brown hair very similar to Emma's and cold grey eyes.

"Uhm." Was all I could muster to say as I tried to think straight.

I wasn't at the wrong house was I? I thought as I looked at the house number.

No, these are the right numbers.

She was glaring at me making wrinkles form around her eyes and forehead.

I felt uneasy with her judgy eyes on me.

"You must be Daniel." She said in disgust.

Nope, not the wrong house.

Her angry tone sounded vaguely familiar. I've definitely heard that angered tone before.

It reminded me of Rebecca's rude tone.

This must be Emma's mother, I recalled seeing her once. Well more like I heard her yelling at Emma once.

She usually wasn't around and Emma never had anything nice to say about her.

"Yeah, I am," I said trying to level my voice. "Come in, you're letting in a draft." She snapped before opening the door wider for me.

I slipped inside, her arm brushing mine.

Since her eyes are grey, I wonder if Emma's eyes are grey...

"Is that Daniel?" I heard Emma yell for upstairs.

I tried to imagine Emma with grey eyes but it didn't seem right. All I could picture were her thick black glasses.

I hated those glasses.

"No, he isn't here yet." The women yelled back. As she lied her eyes stayed on me.

I shifted from foot to foot.

I had no idea what to do right now.

"But, I heard the door!" Emma argued. "No you didn't, you are imagining things. And, stop yelling." The women yelled back at Emma as she continued to stare at me.

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