Part 11

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"There are none so blind as the one who does not want to see."

-Paulo Coelho


Emma and I sat outside of our school together on the very bench I had approached her almost a month ago.

Her head was leaned against my shoulder as she read one of her weird braille books.

I softly played with her unoccupied cold hand as I smoked a cigarette.

The bell rang a few minutes ago ending the day, and welcoming the weekend.

"Aren't you going to say something about how smoking will kill me?" I asked as I blow smoke out into the air.

Her fingers still ran over her book pages as she answered: "There's no point, we've had that conversation more than a few times and you always say some shit about if you die at least you had fun."

True, but it's still cute to see her try and convince me.

"Danny!" I heard someone yell from behind us.

I let go of Emma's hand as I turned to see Devon, Levi, and Michael walking towards us.

"Who is it?" Emma asks me softly. I turned to her, her usually untamed loose hair was in two braids away from her face.

"Just the guys," I answered back to her.

It was one of those strange days where the weather wasn't utter shit, instead, it was just perfectly warm out.

"You both still coming over today?" Devon asked grinning at Emma and I. I rolled my eyes. "You didn't exactly give me that much of a choice," I answered.

Emma elbowed me slightly. "Yeah, we're still coming." She answered, her hand still moving across the pages of her book.

"What are you doing?" Levi asked Emma as he moved closer to her and peered at her book.

Michael seemed curious about her answer as well as he looked at Emma too.

Devon frown as he looked at Levi.

"Don't ignore me, unless you're deaf too?" Levi said chuckling.

I would have gotten up and punched him across his face at that moment had it not been for Michael putting his hand on my shoulder and forcing me to stay seated.

"Don't be such an asshole,"  Devon told Levi as he glared at him. Levi rolled his eyes.

We fell into a tense silence after that.

Emma cleared her throat before breaking the awkward silence by saying "I'm reading."

I rolled my eyes at Levi's confused face. "How the fuck are you doing that?" He asked.

"idiot," I muttered as I took a drag of my cigarette.

"If I remember correctly, you were asking me the same questions not so long ago," Emma said in a teasing tone to me.

"At least I didn't sound like such an idiotic dick when I asked." I challenged before throwing my cigarette on the ground and stepping on it with my foot.

I got the familiar sense Emma was rolling her eyes as she sarcastically said "sure you didn't."

I rolled eyes as I took her hand back in mine.

"Well, we're heading over to my place now. I guess we will see you both there."  Devon said awkwardly before turning and leaving.

Levi quickly followed behind him while Michael stayed for a moment as if he wanted to say something but then turned and followed them.

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