Part 16

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"How did you become blind, uh, Jeff, is it?"
Yeah, Jeff. Well, I looked directly at the sun, you know, the way they always tell you not to. If only I had listened."

-James Patterson


Dinner with my mom and Emma went great.

Really great actually.

At first, things were a little tense and awkward, but it didn't take long for my mom and Emma to start talking and laughing like old friends.

I could tell Emma wanted to finish the conversation we started in my bedroom, luckily I have skillfully been able to avoid it for the last few days.

I sat outside of my house on the front steps.

I toyed with the blunt in my hand that I had got from Levi earlier today.

I got my lucky lighter out and lit the end.

I took a deep drag.

It's been a while since I had a chance to smoke, man did I miss it.

I could feel a dull ache in my chest but ignored it as I continued to smoke.

Whatever this strain was it was a hell of a lot stronger than the usual shit Levi gave me, after a few drags I could already feel the thick cloudiness of being high.

The car I had been waiting for pulled up in my driveway.

Rae was dropping Emma off at my house.

I was supposed to take Emma biking today like I promised her I would.

A promise is a promise no matter how big or small.

The weather wasn't perfect but it wasn't utter shit either.

The sun was out but the cold wind was blowing like crazy.

At least it wasn't fucking raining still, I was so sick of the fucking rain.

I was so sick of Maryland's crap weather.

I can't wait to get out of this town, I thought bitterly to myself as I took another drag.

Emma and Renee stepped out of the car together.

Em's hair was in two braids on each side of her face, on top of her head sat a purple knitted hat, she was wearing a long black jacket that I had never seen her wear before.

Her legs were covered with blue jeans and her wore scruffy sneakers on her feet.

She looked adorable all covered up.

I didn't play Robin any mind as I grinned at Emma.

I stood as they approached me.

"That smell disgusting," Rosemary complained.

"Nice to see you too," I said sarcastically as I purposely blow smoke in her direction.

"I'm so excited," Emma said grinning widely.

Rita frowned. "I don't think this is a good idea."

Well nobody asked what you thought.

I grinned at Emma ignoring Remona. "Ready?" I asked her.

"Yup." She said as she reached out her hand to me.

I took her hand in mine lacing our fingers together.

"Call me when you need to be picked up," Roberta said as she walked back towards her car.

"Bye, Becca!" Emma yelled over her shoulder as I lead her away.

The Stoner & The Blind GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora