Part 26

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"If the Creator stood before a million men with the light of a million lamps, only a few would truly see him because truth is already alive in their hearts. Truth can only be seen by those with truth in them. He who does not have Truth in his heart, will always be blind to it."

-Suzy Kassem


My suspension went by quickly and before I knew it winter break had begun.

I spent the majority of my suspension painting as my mom put in extra hours at work to be able to take off for New York.

Emma visited each day after school. As always her company was always a highlight.

Since meeting her sitting around alone seemed unbearable.

Ashley even visited me a few times. She must have a habit of skipping school because she only came by during school hours and always left before Emma came by.

As great as hanging out with the guys would have been, they were all grounded and in deep shit with their parents because of the fight. Levi getting off the worst out of the four of us.

In ways, I think mom didn't just put in extra hours to be able to take time off. I think she was trying to avoid me.

Since seeing Emma's mom at the mall something has been off about her.

Christmas had become fucking unignorable. Everything on TV and the radio seemed to be geared towards the holiday.

Everyone seemed so happy and full of joy; it was unsettling.

It was sickening to see so many people pretending to be happy.

I looked out my room window.

"It's snowing." I groaned. I didn't care what anyone else thought, snow is the worst.

It's cold, wet, and gross.

"Really?" Emma asked with excitement, her blue eyes seem to light up.

Her glasses were somewhere tangled in my bed sheets.

"Let's go outside." She said sitting up, her hair falling into her face.

I should have known she would want to go outside in weather like this, I thought with an eye roll.

I would do anything for Emma, but I really didn't feel like having my balls freeze off today.

"Please?" She begged as she sensed my reluctance.

Her fingers pulling at the ripped fabric of my jeans.

I sighed. I didn't want to disappoint her.

But, before I could agree she quickly added: "Going outside now will be good practice for New York."

Good point, if I think it's freezing here it's bound to be colder in there.

We would be driving up to New York for the competition after Christmas. From what little my mom has told me over the last few days, it seems she thought it would be grand if we all stayed a few days longer and spent New Years there.

"Humm." I hummed playfully as I pretended to think about it. A smile found its way on my face as Emma pouted.

From the beginning, I knew I would say yes.

"Okay, let's go before it gets too bad out there." I agreed as I glanced out the window again.

It was snowing down pretty hard.

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