Chapter 21

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I walked into Peyton's room as Austin walked out.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked.

She looked up at me and I realized that she had been crying. I ran over there and hugged her. She explained every detail to me.


I went down to the cafe and Isabel was still there.

"Hey, do you want anything?" I asked.

"No thanks."

I read her mind. She was thinking about what just happened with the car ride and what her dad told her.

"You know, your dad's right," I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"What?" She asked shocked. I probably should've thought this through so I didn't scare her.

"I read your mind. Peyton really likes you. After all, she did get hurt protecting you."

"Yeah, but I don't want her to hurt herself again," she explained.

"She's gonna get hurt no matter what. You're her best friend."

She walked out without saying another word. Hopefully I didn't make her mad. I had read Isabel mind before Peyton told us that she liked her, but I didn't tell them that she liked her back, because she didn't want to hurt Peyton.


I ran out of the cafe. I hope Austin didn't think I was mad at him. I ran to Peyton's room, and she was the only one in there. Brandon must've left. She looked up and I saw that she had been crying for a while.

"I'm sorry Peyton," I paused for a moment. "I loved you back, but I didn't want to hurt you. I'm wrong, please forgive me and be my girlfriend."

There was an awkward silence in the room.

"Yes, I forgive you girlfriend."

She smiled. It was so cute. We kissed each other until a minute later when Brandon and Austin walked in. I quickly stood up.

"Aww aren't the lesbian couple so cute?" Brandon teased.

"Shut up," Peyton giggled.

"So no one in this team is single... Or straight," Austin pointed out.

"Wait, was I the last one in this team to be straight? Or at least before I become bi?" Peyton said.


Peyton was finally able to get out of the hospital today. She still has to take some medicine that the doctor prescribed her. Hopefully nothing bad happens since she's still hurt a little bit and can't fight. I saw Austin and I called him into my room.

"So I was thinking that maybe we could plan a surprise date? Will you be busy anytime this week?" I asked.

"Well, I have a job interview and I think Brandon has one too. Maybe we should all get jobs before we go on any more dates, so that we can save money," he explained.

"Oh okay, that's really smart. I'll see if I could work somewhere near here. I'll let Peyton know, too."

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