1.9 (ending)

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"okay," i agreed. taehyung nodded and started to give me his advice.


minjoo: hey can we meet up?
minjoo: i wanted to talk about something

jungkook: WHAT
jungkook: yes of course
jungkook: where?
jungkook: when?
jungkook: time?
jungkook: i'm so curious
jungkook: but i'm also really scared
jungkook: okay i should stop

minjoo: yea.. ahah
minjoo: let's meet up at the rooftop
minjoo: in ten minutes?

jungkook: okay
jungkook: i'll be there
jungkook: love you!
jungkook: oh wait i wasn't supposed to say that
jungkook: sorry

minjoo: it's fine


jungkook literally ran up to the rooftop after receiving minjoo's text and waited patiently. his heart was pumping fast and his head was spinning. although everything could end badly, jungkook had that part in him that was hopeful, after all she was the girl he loved and there was nothing that could make him think otherwise.


jungkook looked over to see minjoo standing in her spot awkwardly as she held her hands together.

"h-hi!" jungkook blurted out, accidentally being a bit too loud making him cover his mouth immediately. minjoo chuckled a bit at his reaction and started to step closer towards him.

"i know after today, you might not want me to like you anymore because of my past and such.. but i just really want you to know that i love you," jungkook stated.

"i know," minjoo breathed out.

"i just hope you are willing to give me another chan-"

"sshh jungkook, just let me speak," minjoo commanded.

"okay but let me finish first, i was stupid enough to let you go every time but i'm not going to this time because-"

jungkook was suddenly silenced by the presence of minjoo's lips on his. he missed her. he missed seeing her laugh at his horrible jokes. he missed seeing her pretty face from every angle. he missed being able to kiss her whenever he wanted. minjoo finally pulled away and blushed a bit.

"i've been talking to taehyung and he gave me some advice about who to choose.. jungkook i hope i'm making the right choice here and you better not fking screw this up.. but i'm going to give you one last chance because everytime i'm with you.. it just feels so.. right i guess," minjoo stated. jungkook's face lit up, hugged minjoo tight and kissed her.

"who knew that little fker could be helpful," jungkook commented, earning a slap from minjoo on the arm.


"who do you think of before you sleep? who makes you feel sad just by seeing them depressed? who do you feel the worst rejecting? who makes you smile the easiest? these are all just questions that can help you find your answer. there's no use just picking one for the benefit of that person, if you're happy with your decision and the person who wasn't chosen does love you, he will be happy for you and won't be against your own decision.. i have to go now, my shift is about to start again," taehyung commented quickly and smiled sweetly before he left.

end of flashback

jungkook couldn't stop smiling as he hugged minjoo tight.

"i know i've been an ass minjoo," jungkook stated.

"i know, you've said that a lot."

"but can we go back to how we were before?" jungkook suggested.

"yes, just like before."


additional part


"i'm sorry taehyung.. i guess it's just how it is," minjoo stated, feeling terrible.

"you're just here moping about rejecting me but i'm just happy that you didn't lead me on," taehyung replied back. he pulled minjoo into a hug and ruffled her hair. "wish me luck in finding a girlfriend though yea? i don't want to third wheel now that jungkook and i are okay."

minjoo laughed at his comment as they pulled apart. he chuckled along with her, accidentally bumping into someone.

"are you okay?!" he quickly asked.

"yea i'm fine," the girl smiled back leaving taehyung's eyes wide open and his mouth dropping. let's just say, that was the beginning to a new relationship..

'how fanfiction like,' taehyung thought.

(a/n: ;) )

the moral is, no matter how bad things get.. at one point, things will definitely return back to normal. life is just finding the right time to do so.

• the end •

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