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i finally made it back to my dorm, still crying till my eyes felt dry. the tears were making my eyes swollen and i felt a bit heartbroken. i kept telling myself that there was a reason he did that and not because he was ashamed to be with me. i mean why would he be? we've been together for a year now and i could tell that he loved me, but why am i denying that now?

(a/n none of that was supposed to rhyme smh)

i opened my dorm door and there sat jungkook. and boy, he looked bloody furious.

"i think you owe me an explanation minjoo," his whole face was tense as he death glared me.

"okay so am i the one at fault? why do i have to give you an explanation?" i asked, clearly frustrated.

"you got mad in front of my old friend and you're saying that you're not at fault?"

"you're the one who bloody told her you're free on our first anniversary and acted like i wasn't even there, hell you were even having a hard time telling her i was your girlfriend and now you're trying to make me feel guilty? is there something fcking wrong with you?!" i yelled.

now i was furious, he stood up and walked closer to me.

"can you just calm your jealousy down? am i not allowed to hang out with any other girl? you hang out with dohyun all the time and you don't see me being a crybaby over it."

"wow jungkook.. i don't know if you're stupid or if you're out of comebacks but you sure as hell know that he isn't the type of person to cheat since he's with haneu-"

"if he wasn't then he wouldn't have cheated on you!" he blurted out.

okay ouch, that one felt like a double jab to my heart. the door knob twisted and my favourite couple walked in.

"what's going on minjoo?" haneul asked as she saw the scary situation.

"you two, just leave," jungkook commanded.

i thought jungkook's cold personality towards me had disappeared but why is he like this to me? is it because he fell for siyeon or is it because he no longer loves me or even.. both? i suddenly felt so alone and cold, as if no one would be with me if i needed someone.

"no haneul, stay," i commanded, "this is our dorm room, if anyone were to leave it should be you," i stared at jungkook and he scoffed before pushing me out of the way and out of the dorm. i signalled dohyun to follow and him, so he did.

"minjoo-ah, you can tell me if you want but you really don't have to if you're not ready," haneul comforted.

i sighed deeply, wiped the last of my tears and started telling her the entire story. from top, to bottom.

happy new year!

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