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from that day on, i've been ignoring jungkook and throwing away his little gifts for me. taehyung realised but he never questioned it. as much as i sound horrible, i feel it's necessary to make him feel what i did otherwise he will take me for granted once again.

i'm not greedy for his love but i appreciate his existence so much more than he appreciates mine. and that's exactly what i want to change.. wouldn't it be better if we both cared for each other equally as much? it would automatically result in less fights, disagreements and hate. is my method right? i don't know. is it working? i hope so.

"minjoo," jungkook said. i immediately ran away from him and into the cafeteria where haneul and dohyun were. i sat next to haneul, stole her muffin and shoved it into my mouth.

"i'll get you another muffin," dohyun commented to haneul and walked off. she nodded apologetically and started to pat my back.

"what's wrong?" haneul asked me.

"it's hard to ignore jungkook cause i don't know if he gets the idea yet," i explained.

"it doesn't matter if he gets the idea or not.. he was a jerk, he didn't care when you started cutting again, he broke your heart without even trying and now he's pretending nothing even happened."

i sighed at her words because they were right again. even if i am his ex, shouldn't he give at least the tiniest bit of concern if i self harm. again, i'm not trying to sound like i want attention because this is basically common sense. unless our memories meant nothing to him.. then he should give a damn.

"three o'clock, three o'clock," haneul whispered quickly. huh? i looked at the time on my phone and it read '12:56pm.'

"what do you mean? it's like one o'clock-"

a tap on my shoulder from the right made me realise she meant direction wise.

"hey minjoo can we-?" jungkook started.

"no, i don't have time for people who don't give a sht about me," i replied with no expression. his eyes widened and stepped back a little. you could see his eyes were becoming a bit red.. maybe from holding back tears but my brain is telling me it's just because he's tired.

i walked out of the cafeteria and let out the breath i was holding.


this started to become a daily routine. a total of two week passed, he tried to get to me and i tried to get away from him. in the end, i caught him crying alone sometimes.

if i said i didn't feel bad.. i definitely would be lying.


should i let them talk

or nah?

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