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a/n bad chapter ahead

"wait up!" taehyung shouted. i kept walking as i didn't think it was for me but i got pulled to face him in a split second. "why didn't you wait?" he pouted.

"i didn't know it was towards me and what did you need?"

"well i don't exactly have any friends yet?" he explained. "and i saw when i was peeking over that we have the same class next so maybe.. we can go together?"

at this point there were around fifteen girls behind him waiting to talk. i faced my head to their direction showing taehyung that they were there. he looked like he cringed a bit before he gave me a look begging for sympathy. i sighed and let him walk with me since haneul and dohyun don't have the same class as me next. i usually go to this class with jungkook but.. that won't happen again.

"you're pretty," taehyung commented, "especially for a girl without make up."

"is that a flirting move or.."

"i'm just saying the truth," he smiled.

'awkward,' i thought to myself.

"excuse me," someone commented with a growling voice. jeon jungkook.. "i need to take minjoo somewhere so walk to class by yourself," he stuck his tongue out and pulled me away.

i tried to get out of his grip but everyone knows that it's impossible no matter how exaggerated that sounds... after about a minute of trying to get of his grip, he finally let go of me.

"what do you want?!" i shouted.

"why the fck are you hanging out with other guys?" jungkook asked. "we literally just broke up."

uhm.. excuse me?

"that's what you do every single fking day, what on earth are you on about.." i sighed and ran up to the roof top. stupid jungkook, i don't understand how he can be such a hypocrite and blame me for the things that he does as well, plus isn't it obvious i didn't even want to talk to taehyung? i decided to skip class and just think about what my life has become.


i literally had no reaction i almost laughed at how embarrassing it must've been for the person.

taehyung sat next to me and i gave him a questioning look.

"how could i leave you like that when you were unwillingly dragged away?" he explained.

my heart fluttered a bit at his words. not once would i have thought that someone i was mean to would be so persistently nice towards me.

for the entire class time, we chatted about different things and our similar interest in puppies. in fact, he was so nice that i'm unsure whether or not i'll end up falling for him. but.. if he continues this, kim taehyung..

i might end up falling for you. and to be honest, i really don't know if that's a good thing not.


team jungkook

team taehyung

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