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"minjoo-ah what the hell?!" haneul shrieked and grabbed the first aid kit. she started cleaning up my wounds and wrapping it with a bandage.

"i'm fine haneul."

"your lips are white," haneul corrected.

"no i'm goo-"

"your face is white too," she sighed.
"bloody hell i swear to god i will kill jungkook if it's the last thing i do, he was the reason you stopped cutting yet he's also the reason you started cutting.. and may i add twice.."

i looked down and listened to her because i couldn't retort back, after all she was right and there was nothing i could do about whether i liked it or not. i stared at her as she was pinning the bandage in place.

"thanks for being there for me, i couldn't ask for anything more because you're truly the greatest person ever," i thanked and smiled slightly to her.

"yah minjoo, this isn't the time for some cheesy friendships moments.. now just stay quiet and go rest a bit in bed okay?"

i nodded in agreement and walked over to my bed to sleep.

'stupid jungkook, stupid stupid jungkook,' i thought to myself.

haneul' pov

i smiled comfortingly till minjoo fell asleep. but once i could hear her slight breathing, my smile dropped. i left the room and tried to find jungkook. barging into their dorm i was invited with an already existing argument between dohyun and jungkook.

"wake up bro and stop being a stubborn little bitch so you can admit you did wrong!" dohyun shouted.

"why the fck do i need to wake up when you're the one who's clearly not in his mind-

i slapped jungkook, really hard may i add.

"you fcking bitch," jungkook spat out.

i slapped the other side of his face and smiled.

"here, am i still a bitch? i mean after all i helped you balance out the pain on both sides." dohyun chuckled a bit at my comeback.

"what's your problem?" jungkook growled.

"what's my problem?!" i asked back, extremely surprised that he had the guts to say such thing. "do you have any idea what you're putting minjoo through? she's bloody cutting herself again and yet you've become this asshole self who gives zero fcks about your girlfriend's feelings."

his eyes widened a bit with concern.
"minjoo i-is cutting herself again?" he asked curiously.

"yes!" i scolded him.

for a second i thought i really hit the button, the button that brought his old self back. but no.

"and what's that gotta do with me?" he smirked. before i could say anything, dohyun punched him in the face. funny though, i didn't even feel sorry for him.

"let's go haneul, he doesn't deserve anymore time."

and like that, we left jungkook alone. i know i sound horrible when i say this but i hope he bloody burns in hell.

recently lots of people have been telling me they like my story and i seriously can't thank you all enough because it means so much!! your comments and messages make my day! thank you so much wattpad family ♡♡♡

i hope you like the updates every second day because i try my best to make it constant :)

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