Chapter Eleven: I am the White Wolf

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I slept great until I woke up in the morning and ran into the bathroom. Cale must have felt me leave the bed because he was right on my heels. I got to the toilet and emptied everything I ate last night, while Cale held my hair. When I was sure I was done, I got up and brushed my teeth.

"Dallas are you okay?"

"Cale did you forget that I am pregnant, it is most likely morning sickness."

"Right I forgot about the morning sickness thing. Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, but now I feel hungry."

"Well let me go make you breakfast. Take a shower and change, because we have to go and find you a amazing dress to wear tonight."

I smiled and nodded. Cale headed downstairs while I hopped into the shower and took a warm shower. After I got out I got dressed and blow dried my hair and put some simple make-up on and headed downstairs. Whatever Cale was cooking smelt amazing, I walked in and sat at the bar and he had placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me.

"While you eat, I am going to shower. I ate already."

He walked around to me and kissed me on the lips and left. The breakfast was amazing, after I was done I rinsed my plate and put it in the dishwasher and headed to the living room to watch some television until Cale was ready.

I was in the middle of a soap opera when Cale came bouncing downstairs. "Babe are you ready to go shopping?"

"Yes I am, and do you think we can get some bigger clothes for when, you know I get bigger?"

"Yes of course babe."

We headed to the mall and decided to check the store that was just dresses. I grabbed a few and Cale grabbed a few before I was pushed inside a dressing room. I was getting frustrated because all the dresses show my baby bump and I didn't want my old pack to know I was pregnant just yet.

Cale could tell I was not having a good time. "Baby what is wrong?"

"All these dresses show my baby bump, I didn't realize I was showing already and I don't want the pack to know I am pregnant."

"I will go look and see if I can find one that will hide your bump."

He was only gone for a few minutes until he handed me a pink Grecian style dress with a side strap that was beautiful. I quickly put it on and opened the door. Cale stood there with his mouth wide open.

"So what do you think?" I spun around, to show him how pretty it was and how it hid my baby bump.

"Dallas you look absolutely amazing, I think you should get that one."

I smiled and went back into the dressing room and came out holding the pink dress. Cale wouldn't let me pay for it and we were out, thank goodness that was the first dress shopping experience that I truly hated.

After a few hours of shopping for maternity clothes we headed back to my house. The party started in an hour and I wanted to have enough time to get ready. I had decided to wear my hair straight, so I took the time to straighten it. I put some light make-up on and put some pink lip gloss on, and put on some sliver flats I bought because I was to scared to trip wearing heels, and I was ready to go.

I came out of the bathroom and Cale was sitting on the bed in a nice suit. He looked as though he was deep in thought. I sat down next to him,

"Cale are you okay?"

His head shot up and he stood up and looked at me. "Wow Dallas, you are the most beautiful mate I have ever seen."

I just laughed. Cale pulled something out of his pocket and got on his knee. Was he really doing what I thought he was doing?

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