Chapter 11 : New horizons

Start from the beginning

-Thank you for yesterday, Karen, he said, and I suddenly felt so weird.

It was a mix of sadness, joy, I didn't even know, but I cried, without realizing it. I hugged the little boy tightly, dropping my beguiles on the floor. Maybe I was too happy to see him safe after all of that... Kayal seemed amused by the situation, and he kept repeating I wasn't as brave as I looked. Kids loved teasing me... But I didn't care, I was so glad he was alive...

Someone slammed the door opened, all of a sudden, and I jumped. This small silhouette... This red coat... This single strand of hair...

-Big brother! Alphonse exclaimed.

Edward Elric.... So he was back, finally. What did he do with all the money? And what was this paper in his hand?

-I am the owner of this village! he declared, leaving all of us speechless.

Seriously?? And then he started saying nonsense about how this paper was crafted, the quality of the box, even the key!! What could be the price for something like that?? I was sure even with all of my brother's money, we wouldn't be able to buy it!!

-Two rooms and meals! the small boy declared.

-It's a lot, indeed! the inn keeper laughed, I'll take it!

-Deal then! Edward smirked.

I smiled and cheered with everyone. When suddenly, the lieutenant decided to show up and started talking about how his gold turned into stones. Without being able to stop myself, I startled laughing, holding my belly and dropping my beguiles. This was so priceless!! And so Edward-like!! The military turned his head toward me, surprised. He must have never noticed me. And smirked.

-She's not as important as you and your brother, Fullmetal Alchemist. Take her.

Not even taking care of my broken limb, they grabbed me forcefully. I didn't try to resist, that wouldn't even be funny.

-Oh Edward, you'll say my brother that this lieutenant's men took me~ I smirked.

-Of course, he'll be so happy to punish Yoki! he replied the same way.

-Y-your brother....? he asked me.

I acted innocent as tilted my head.

-Well, Lieutenant-Colonel Roy Mustang, the Flame alchemist! I'm sorry, you didn't know he had a sister? I smiled.

-Release her!! Release her now!!! he yelled before running away with his men.

I laughed and Edward shouted.

-I'll be so glad to put this in my report!!!

-He's not going to get away so easily, I stated grabbing my beguiles.

-Sure thing! he smiled at me.


Edward stared at me a long time in the train. I felt awkward, did I have something on my face?? Finally, Alphonse broke the silence.

-We both think of you differently now, Karen. You don't need to be scared of how we consider you anymore, he said.

Edward agreed.

-You're yourself, just don't be to annoying~ he smirked.

-I'll do my best, I answered.

I was now ready for our future adventures.

//Hey!!! The new chapter is here!! I hope you enjoy it and are impatient for the next one!!

Karen: yeaaaah, and how do I do for my LEG?!
Me: again?? I told you it'd be fine!!
Karen: I feel USELESS!!
Me: oh please....
Karen: when will I be able to be a state alchemist?! Next year??
Me: when was it even decided?! O.o
Karen: you write my story but have no idea of my choices.... I decided to become a state alchemist when I saved Kayal, because.... It would be a new start, a new life
Me: ah. A new you....
Karen: stop laughing at me!!! > <
Me: biggest author not ever.... anyway, see you soon!!!

Wind of hope {FMA OC fanfiction} - UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now