Didn't Expect THAT to Happen... (15)

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*Jordan's Point of View*

Dang... What got into Tye? He isn't usually so up front and viscious, especially to his favorite teacher Mr. Jinkins. I mean, yeah he was overly confident and sometimes smarted off a bit but that was just his way of having fun. But today was different.

Tye walked in class looking like he got only minutes of sleep. A wave of guilt swept over me. I knew it was my fault. I snapped at him and made him over think our little "situation"...

I listened as Tye and Mr. Jinkins' fought... But most of my mind was elsewhere; reliving the scene that could've changed my life if I hadn't lost my temper.

"TYE! TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE!!" Mr. Jinkins' words snapped me back to reality.

Damn it Tye...

Tye started to storm out of the room, but he froze at the door. He turned slowly and faced me, his piercing eyes were filled with anger; anger mixed with something else... sadness?

I continued to watch him as he took a deep breath and walked out of the door.

-FF>> 15 minutes-

I heard a knock on the door. I looked over in time to see Mr. Jinkins recieve a piece of paper from a student.

"Thank you." Mr. Jinkins mumbled. He glanced over the slip of paper. "Jordan Hicks..." Mr. Jinkins called me over. I got up reluctantly. What was this about?

"They want you at the principals office... something about your friend..." Mr. Jinkins said slowly.

"Ok..." I said hesistantly. Why did Tye have to bring me into this?!

I walked out of the room and towards the principals office. My palms were sweaty and I was breathing harder than usual... nerves...

I opened the door to Principal Owen's office. It was dead quiet. Almost eerie.

"Take a seat." Principal Owens ordered. I took a seat. "Now... Talk it out." She said, as she got out of her chair and started to leave the office.

"Woah woah woah... WHAT?!" Tye yelled.

"Talk to him. You guys obviously have some issues to work out." She said, and left us there... alone.

Didn't Expect THAT to Happen... *boyxboy*Where stories live. Discover now