Regina's Twenty-First Post

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ReginaOfLocksley: Goodbye to Storybrooke for now. I know all of you who choose to stay will fight for what is right. I have faith in all of you


EmmaSwan: Farewell, Storybrooke...

EmmaSwan: We've made lots of memories here

RedRidingHood: Okay, but Regina's farewell address was one of the best speeches ever

KingArthur: ^^

ReginaOfLocksley: Why thank you

DorothyGale: tbh I still think I should be president of the LoUS

DorothyGale: Or the US, I'm not picky

EmmaSwan: #Dorothy4President2020

ReginaOfLocksley: Maybe someday

RobinOfLocksley: Hey, Regina...

ReginaOfLocksley: I know

NealCassidy: What?

EmmaSwan: SwanFireQueen Story Time?

ReginaOfLocksley: SwanFireQueen Story Time.

NealCassidy: Let's hear it

ReginaOfLocksley: So I was walking home after the farewell address

EmmaSwan: And I was with her because Robin had to take Roland and Riley home

ReginaOfLocksley: It was very similar to last time, actually

NealCassidy: Last time?

EmmaSwan: I saw something on the ground that looked strangely familiar....

ReginaOfLocksley: So she picked it up and handed it to me

EmmaSwan: It was a confession dial, like from Doctor Who

NealCassidy: From GallifreyanFairytale?

GallifreyanFairytale: Yes

NealCassidy: Does that mean...?

GallifreyanFairytale: Yes

PrincessJasmine: What?

GallifreyanFairytale: We've reached the 200 part limit again

GallifreyanFairytale: Which means it's time for a confession

ZelenaMills: It wouldn't happen to be that you actually DO you ship CaptainSwan, would it?

GallifreyanFairytale: No, sorry

GallifreyanFairytale: SwanFire's still getting married

EmmaSwan: And are you going to write about it?

GallifreyanFairytale: I was planning on it, yeah

SnowWhite: So you're making another sequel?

GallifreyanFairytale: Yes

PrinceCharming: Will Jenna Coleman be in it?

GallifreyanFairytale: It's a possibility

MrGold: So, is there going to be another confession like last time?

GallifreyanFairytale: According to tradition, there has to be

PirateMilah: So what is it?

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