Dorothy's First Post

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DorothyGale: You can take a girl out of Storybrooke, but you can't take Storybrooke out of the girl


HenryMills: At this point, no one can live without their phones

ReginaOfLocksley: You all are lucky Misthaven has service and we put wifi in our castle

ReginaOfLocksley: Because Camelot didn't have service and Granny's wifi wasn't working

EmmaSwan: The worst six weeks ever

NealCassidy: The most boring six weeks ever

SnowWhite: We would all just aimlessly wander around the woods and then end up back in Granny's because there was nothing to do

GrannysOfficial: On the bright side, Granny's was always spotless because I convinced you guys to clean it every other day

HenryMills: It was awful

ReginaOfLocksley: I only helped clean once and that was because Robin and Leroy forced me to

ZelenaMills: I just played Tap the Frog and Solitaire the whole time

ReginaOfLocksley: I played lots of Candy Crush

QueenGuinevere: But now, Camelot has service and the castle has wi-fi!

ReginaOfLocksley: And we have wi-fi in this castle too!!

RedRidingHood: I need the password again because Dorothy made me forget the network on my phone :(

DorothyGale: You wouldn't yell me what it meant!

ReginaOfLocksley: I'll DM it to you

EmmaSwan: But can we all take a moment to appreciate the fact that their wifi is called 'Locksley Palace'

PrinceCharming: Is that not where we're staying? The Locksley Palace?

SnowWhite: Such a beautiful name 😍😍

RedRidingHood: Agreed


ReginaOfLocksley: Anyone confused about why Snow's hair is long again?

EmmaSwan: Magical hair extensions

SnowWhite: Because I like my hair being long in the Enchanted Forest

ReginaOfLocksley: Okay

BelleGold: Guys did you know that walking around this castle is actually a really good way to hatch Pokémon eggs?

BelleGold: Because it's pretty big

MrGold: Mine is bigger

BelleGold: I know

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