Dorothy 4 President

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Direct Message from EmmaSwan to BelleFrench, BraveMerida, CaptainHook, DorothyGale, HenryMills, MrGold, MulanTheWarrior, NealCassidy, PrinceCharming, RedRidingHood, ReginaOfLocksley, RobinOfLocksley, SnowWhite, WickedWitchOfTheWest

EmmaSwan: Dear citizens of Storybrooke, DunBroch, the Enchanted Forest, the Underworld, Oz, etc, I have called you here today so we can launch a very important campaign!

EmmaSwan: DOROTHY 4 PRESIDENT 2020!!!!!!

DorothyGale: What?

ReginaOfLocksley: You actually sent it out

EmmaSwan: Dorothy is the only one here who can legally run for president in the 2020 election since the rest of us were either born in a different realm or are too young

DorothyGale: I can't be president

EmmaSwan: You could if we put together a good enough campaign

DorothyGale: But I'm female...?

ReginaOfLocksley: I was going to mention Hillary Clinton, but you don't know her so never mind

RedRidingHood: Dorothy's from like the 1930s

RedRidingHood: You can do whatever the heck you want, Kansas

DorothyGale: Can I not run for president?

EmmaSwan: No

EmmaSwan: You're the only one of us who is a legal American citizen besides Henry and the babies

EmmaSwan: Roland is not included in the babies

DorothyGale: Roland is such a cutie

ReginaOfLocksley: Roland is MY cutie

RobinOfLocksley: Wait

RobinOfLocksley: I'M his father

EmmaSwan: Well Regina's his step-mother, so she's basically his parent

ReginaOfLocksley: We are still not married!

DorothyGale: Wait, you and Robin aren't married?

ReginaOfLocksley: No!

DorothyGale: But your usernames match

DorothyGale: And Snow said you were

ReginaOfLocksley: Snow is a liar

DorothyGale: But why is your username Regina OF LOCKSLEY if you're not married to Robin?

ReginaOfLocksley: Emma bribed me

EmmaSwan: Hold the front door

EmmaSwan: I stopped bribing you after hiatus ended

EmmaSwan: You changed your username back to ReginaOfLocksley because you WANTED to

ReginaOfLocksley: You're just bringing this up now?

EmmaSwan: So, when's the wedding?


DorothyGale: As future president, I am making an executive order for you and Robin to get married

SnowWhite: Oh yes, you'll fit into the family perfectly

DorothyGale: Wait

DorothyGale: ......Family?

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