One Year of Once on Instagram

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Author's Note: Any of you that follow me on instagram (@queenoswald) know that I've been working on a hecka big project for the one year anniversary of Once on Instagram, which is today (July 3rd) I'm going to be splitting the chapter into four parts, because it's so long, and I'll put them up at different times today (or tonight..... at, like 11:59 pm.........😂😂) Anyways, since I won't be posting the first of the four parts until later, I'm going to say this now;

I would like to thank all of you for deciding to check out this fan fiction, and not only that, but thank you for sticking with it. Through the ups and downs of the show (mostly downs, let's be real here), and the ups and downs of this fan fiction. Through the hiatuses and episodes, and through the revolt after Robin's death was the last straw for me.

And there are some of you that I would like to thank specifically, but instead of me doing it, I'm going to let some of your favorite characters do it instead☺️


Direct Message from EmmaSwan to BelleFrench, CaptainHook, CruellaDeVil, HenryMills, KingArthur, MadHatter, NealCassidy, PrinceCharming, ReginaOfLocksley, RobinOfLocksley, SnowWhite, ZelenaMills

EmmaSwan: Did you guys all get the list from GallifreyanFairytale that I sent out?

ZelenaMills: Yep

BraveMerida: Right, so who's going first?

ReginaOfLocksley: I think Robin and I are

EmmaSwan: Alright, let's start

ReginaOfLocksley: First up is OriginalBeliever

RobinOfLocksley: Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to GallifreyanFairytale

ReginaOfLocksley: She says you're an amazing writer and a fantastic friend

SnowWhite: Also, can I just say your Outlaw Queen fan fiction are AMAZING!!!

ReginaOfLocksley: And next is OQlover

ReginaOfLocksley: I think I know why GallifreyanFairytale chose us to announce her...

RobinOfLocksley: Turn the sass down

ReginaOfLocksley: 😒

ZelenaMills: And also snowfairymagicx

NealCassidy: And disneylover7

CruellaDeVil: And KaraSethyy

RobinOfLocksley: And OuatBookworm

EmmaSwan: Because your comments always make us (well, GallifreyanFairytale) smile😊

ZelenaMills: And thanks to all of you who voted for Riley's middle name to be Fruitsnackia!! I love you all!!!!!

EmmaSwan: That wasn't on the list!

ZelenaMills: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

ReginaOfLocksley: ANYWAYS

RobinOfLocksley: Thanks to TheAwkwardPandabear and onceuponafangirll 

MadHatter: And OUAT_7

BelleFrench: And Demigodbeliever and oncerupxnatime

EmmaSwan: And demigods_rule55

ReginaOfLocksley: Because your comments are all amazing too

ReginaOfLocksley: (and OUAT_7 wrote a CaptainFloor fanfic that was amazing)

SnowWhite: Thanks to everyone else not mentioned in this chapter for reading, voting, and/or commenting on this fan fiction and the first one

KingArthur: There were wayyyyyy too many of you to note every single one

CaptainHook: Apparently the first one is #1 in #OutlawQueen on Wattpad

ReginaOfLocksley: It is?

CaptainHook: That what this paper says!


BelleFrench: And also, in related writers to #OutlawQueen , GallifreyanFairytale is one if the top ones

PrinceCharming: And Once on Instagram is one of the top fan fictions in #ouat and #onceuponatime

ReginaOfLocksley: So thank you

RobinOfLocksley: Thank you all, whether you were specifically mentioned or not

GallifreyanFairytale: You are all amazing, and I couldn't wish for better, more loyal, readers❤️

GallifreyanFairytale: I never expected this universe to be as popular as it is, but here we are, and I could not be happier

GallifreyanFairytale: So here's to one year gone by and another year to come!

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