The Savior

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Scene I, Act I: The Docks
Enter: Arthur, Belle, David, Dorothy, Emma, Henry, Hook, Gold, Milah, Neal, Regina, Riley, Robin, Ruby, Snow, Violet, and Zelena

The balloon was ready to take off for the Land of Untold Stories. Now all that was left was for those who were leaving to board it and fly away.

Arthur had elected to stay behind to continue ruling over the Underworld, Roland would stay with the Merry Men, and Neal Jr would be staying in Storybrooke under Doc's care. Zelena, Regina, and Robin had debated about whether Riley should stay behind or not, but since they didn't trust the dwarves as much as the Charmings did, Zelena didn't trust Will, and they didn't want to leave Riley in the Underworld, they elected to bring her along.

As Milah and Hook double-checked the balloon, the others spoke in hushed voices about what they thought the Land of Untold Stories would hold and Zelena and Arthur said their final goodbyes.

"I'll see you again in a few weeks," Zelena promised Arthur, thought she knew it was a promise she may not be able to keep. "We still have to get married."

"If we have to postpone the wedding, it's okay," Arthur assured Zelena. "Making sure Hyde isn't able to destroy Storybrooke is more important."

Zelena nodded. "I know, but I hope we're not away for too long. I'm going to miss you."

"You can call me whenever you need, and we have soulmate telepathy," Arthur reminded her. "You'll be okay. I love you." Arthur leaned in and pressed his lips to Zelena's, letting them linger a few moments longer than usual.

"I love you too," Zelena whispered. She brought Arthur down into one final kiss.


At 8:00 exactly, everyone boarded the balloon and Hook and Milah sailed it upwards. Zelena watched from the air as Arthur walked away, headed back to the Underworld. She began to absentmindedly twist the engagement ring on her finger.

"Hey," Regina came up behind her sister and Zelena jumped slightly. "Belle and I are about to count up the votes for her baby's name. You can help as long as you don't rig it so something that wasn't even in the running wins."

Zelena shook her head. "No thank you. I appreciate the offer, though."

Regina could tell by the look in her sister's eyes that Zelena wanted to be left alone, so Regina accepted Zelena's answer. "Okay. Feel free to come find us if you need anything."

Zelena nodded and Regina walked away to go find Belle.


"That's another vote for Evelyn," Belle said, and Regina added a tally mark for Evelyn. "Which one is in the lead?"

"It's a secret," Regina smirked and Belle rolled her eyes.

"So, are you going to do something like this for you child?"

Regina's eyes widened. "Oh no. Not for the first name, at least. I don't trust the readers ever since they chose Fruitsnackia for Riley's middle name, and I don't think Robin trusts them either."

"Fair enough." Belle shrugged. "One vote for Rose and one vote for Charlotte."

Regina added the tally marks to the scoreboard. "Hey, are you going to let everyone headed to the Land of Untold Stories vote?"

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