If You're Emotionally Stable Now, You Won't Be Soon III

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A/N: With a title like this, I'm sure you all know what's going to be happening in this chapter. The only question is.....who will it be happening to? SwanFire, WoodenDragon, FrozenJewel, RubySlippers, Millian, CharmingColeman, someone else.....???


"I'm going live!" Belle announced.

Gold peeked around the corner. "Why?"

"To celebrate! Don't you know what's happening today?"

"Yes. But what if one of them joins you?"

"They're gonna be busy with all the build up to the proposal, don't worry. I'm not going to spoil the surprise for anyone. I promise."

"You'd better not." Gold sat down next to his wife on the couch. "Has anyone joined yet?"

"Merida just joined. Hello!"

Hello, Belle ✌🏼️

And hello, Rumple Bumple

ReginaOfLocksley joined.

"Hi, Regina!"


Is this a celebratory live video, or are you just randomly going live?

"It's celebratory. This is so exciting! I just hope I'm right and neither of them joins."

I'm sure they're busy


HenryMills joined.


"I know! I'm so happy for them!"

I think we all are



Belle nodded in agreement. "I think we can all agree that they both deserve there happy ending, and I'm pretty sure this is it."

New York

"Where are we going?" Emma asked as she looked at the skyscrapers outside of her window. The New York City traffic had stopped them from moving, but Neal had factored in the traffic, so he wasn't worried about being late.

"Isn't that, like, the fifth time you've asked that in the past three minutes?" Lily rolled her eyes in the backseat.

"Sorry," the blonde apologized, "I just get antsy when I'm not driving my own car. Neal's the only other one I can stand driving it while I'm inside, but this traffic isn't helping my nerves."

"You're way too overprotective of a metal coffin on wheels."

Emma turned around to face Lily. "Have you been talking to Regina lately?" Lily shrugged and leaned her head on August's shoulder.

two weeks earlier

Direct Message from NealCassidy to PrinceCharming, SnowWhite, HenryMills

NealCassidy: Okay, so, um, I have a question for you all and if any of you turn me down, I won't follow through, because I value all of your opinions equally

SnowWhite: Ooooh this sounds like some juicy gossip

HenryMills: You better not be asking us to keep this a secret, because we all know Grandma Snow will fail miserably

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